




1.保尔森 1.迪克·富尔德( Dick Fuld) 2.汉克·保尔森Hank Paulson) 3.艾伦·格林斯潘( Alan Greenspan) ...

4.财政部长保尔森 理查德•波斯纳( Richard Posner) 汉克•鲍尔森Hank Paulson) 宝洁公司( Procter & Gamble) ...

6.美国财政部长保尔森去年9月,在前美国财政部长保尔森Hank Paulson)提出的7000亿美元的刺激方案第一次被国会否决的那天,道•琼斯指数在 …


1.Hank Paulson, now America's treasury secretary, is said to have visited China at least 70 times when he was the firm's chief executive.现在美国的财政部长汉克鲍尔森就在其担任高盛首席执行官时对中国进行了最少70次的访问。

2.Bob told Hank Paulson about this fear and he said get on a plane.鲍勃将自己的担忧告诉了保尔森,保尔森说,坐飞机过来吧。

3."If someone thinks Hank Paulson could have made the Fed save Lehman Brothers, the answer is, 'No way, ' " he said.“如果有人认为汉克·保尔森能够促使美联储救助雷曼,答案是‘不可能’,”他说。

4.IF HANK PAULSON had not already lost all his hair, he would surely be tearing it out right now.如果汉克.鲍尔森的头发还没有掉光的话,那么他现在无疑会把剩下的也全部扯下来。

5.But how much did the banks benefit from Hank Paulson's "gift" ?但这些银行从保尔森的“礼物”中获得了多少好处?

6.Since arriving in Washington from Goldman Sachs a year ago, Hank Paulson has carried the expectations of an entire industry.自一年前离开高盛(GoldmanSachs)、到华盛顿出任财长以来,汉克-保尔森(HankPaulson)一直承载着美国整个金融服务业的期望。

7.Prof Johnson says part of his role as an economist is to "float ideas" in ways Hank Paulson, US Treasury Secretary, for instance, is unable.约翰逊表示,作为经济学家,他的部分职责就是“提出想法”,而像美国财政部长汉克-保尔森(HankPaulson)这样的人就不能如此行事。

8.That was the main lesson of former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson's semiannual meetings with his Chinese counterparts. For two years, Mr.这是前财政部长汉克鲍尔森在半年度会议上从与会的中方官员身上得出的结论。

9.Hank Paulson, the US Treasury secretary, said the programme would initially cost "hundreds of bilpons of dollars. "美国财政部长汉克·保尔森(HankPaulson)表示,这套方案最初将花费“数千亿美元。”

10.Hank Paulson, the Treasury secretary, continued to hold talks with banks yesterday.美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)昨天继续与银行举行会谈。