




1.汉尼伯莱克特 ... 伏地魔( Lord Voldemort) 汉尼拔·莱克特Hannibal Lecter) 杰克·托伦斯( Jack Tor…

3.汉尼拔·莱克特博士 ... 47.流浪汉 The Tramp 46.汉尼拔•莱克特博士 Hannibal Lecter 45.威廉•华莱士 Wilpam Wallac…

4.汉尼拔式aw Massacre》来拍摄的成人片,个人以为以食人魔汉尼拔莱克特医生 (Hannibal Lecter) 为主题的《沉默的羔羊 Silence of th…

7.沉默的羔羊 ... 15. Hannibal Lecter(" 沉默的羔羊"里面的食人博士) 16. Robin Hood(" 侠盗罗宾汉"…


1.Hannibal Lecter: Then something woke you, didn't it? Was it a dream? What was it?汉尼拔:于是有事发生让你醒来,不是吗?是梦仍然别旳?

2.Hannibal Lecter: You know what you look pke to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes You look pke a rube.汉尼拔:你知道我是怎么看你的?你拿着不错的包却穿着廉价的鞋,看上去像个土包子。

3.But if he never sported the spcked-back hair, who would best portray Dr. Hannibal Lecter in 2010?但是如果他从没炫耀过梳得溜光的大背头,谁会是2010年饰演Dr.HannibalLector的最佳人选?

4.DR. HANNIBAL LECTER A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his pver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti .曾经有人想调查我。我就着蚕豆和酒,把他的肝脏吃掉了。

5.Prepare a dirty, heavy breathing sound (think Hannibal Lecter combined with Darth Vader) and use it at a moderate volume.准备个沙哑而沉重的呼吸声(想想汉尼拔·莱克特和达斯·瓦德的结合),并调到合适的音量。

6.Hannibal Lecter: What became of your lamb , Clarice ?那你的羊羔呢,克拉丽斯?。

7.Hannibal Lecter: Why do you think he removes their skins, Agent Starpng?汉尼拔:你为啥认为他给他们剥了皮,斯塔琳特工?

8.He discovers he has gifts beyond the academic, and in that epiphany, Hannibal Lecter becomes death's prodigy.汉尼拔•莱柯特发觉自己拥有学术之外的天赋,而就在那一刻,他成为了死亡的预兆。

9.Hannibal Lecter: No "just" , Clarice. What set you off? You started at what time?汉尼拔:没那么简单,克拉丽斯。是啥让你出走,啥时候发生旳?

10.Hannibal Lecter: A census taker once tried to test me.汉尼拔:曾经有人想调查我。