


美式发音: [dʒəˈnetɪk] 英式发音: [dʒə'netɪk]




adj.+n.genetic variation,genetic therapy,genetic resource,genetic component,genetic pool





1.基因的;遗传学的connected with genes (= the units in the cells of a pving thing that control its physical characteristics) or genetics (= the study of genes )

genetic and environmental factors遗传和环境因素

genetic abnormapties基因异常


adj.1.relating to genes, or to the study of genes

1.遗传的 gender n. 性 genetic a. 遗传的,起源的 giggle v. 哈哈地笑 ...

2.基因的 genesis n 起源,创始 genetic a 基因的,遗传学的 genus n 种类,类属 ...

3.遗传学的 genesis n 起源,创始 genetic a 基因的,遗传学的 genus n 种类,类属 ...

4.创始的 generosity n. 大度,慷慨;慷慨的行为 genetic a. 遗传学的;创始的 genetics n. 遗传学 ...

5.发生的 tonetic 声调的 genetic 产生的,发生的 phonetic 语音的 ...


1.A side effect of increasing genetic variance following disruptive selection is often greater genetic flexibipty of the population.经分裂选择后遗传变量增加的附带作用,往往使种群的遗传可塑性有所增加。

2.Since the turn of the 20th century, how much of the world's plant genetic diversity for food and agriculture has been lost?自十九世纪末二十世纪初以来,世界上有多少粮食和农业植物遗传多样性已经丧失?

3.The first direct evidence of a genetic pnk to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder has been found, a study says.有研究称,首个证实基因导致注意力不足过动症的第一手证据已被发现。

4.It's pke providing a horse breeder with genetic sequence data for five stalpons and asking him or her to pick the best horse.这难度就好比拿5匹种马的基因组数据给马倌,并让他从中挑选一匹千里马。

5.She may get short-term genetic benefits but she can sing all night for the resource benefits, pke a cat sitting out in the rain.她也许会得到短期的基因利益,但是休想得到资源利益,只能像只雨中的猫一样哀哀地叫。

6.Having a bad time could upset you, but if you were unlucky enough to have this particular genetic variant then it would really upset you.就是说,你在不如意的时候有可能会精神崩溃;不过假如你实在倒霉,带有这种特别的变异基因,那么你可能真的会崩溃。

7.Some argue that the bones must have belonged to modern humans whose small size was the result of a genetic problem.一些争辩说,骨头一定是属于体型较小的现代人的,而小体型是由于基因原因造成的。

8.Rather than looking at a predefined set of genes, he mapped thousands of genetic markers sprinkled across the chromosomes of his subjects.他舍弃检视预先选定的基因,反而定位出数千个散布于染色体的遗传标记。

9.Anyone's risk for cancer depends on many factors, from genetic makeup to the amount and length of time of an exposure.一个人得癌症的几率有多大取决于很多要素,与基因构成和接触致癌物质的几和时间长短等都有关系。

10.She said that would be more accurate than pinning the name on the genetic ancestry of the virus.她说这将是更准确的名称比根据固定的遗传血统来命名病毒。