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1.门户组件 管理 热度: 浏览:2 评论:0 顶 :0 收 …

2.门户程序整合(Framework Services):通过门户程序Portlet)访问各种后台应用系统,从而屏蔽后端复杂应用,方便用户高效访问…


6.门户单元,IBM在继续履行其采用开放式标准的承诺,它提供了门户小服务程序(portlet)应用程序编程接口(API),这样一来,您就可以 …


1.In this article you've seen how a portlet service can be used to encapsulate the integration of your portal with a remote Web apppcation.在本篇文章中您看到了如何使用portlet服务将您的门户和远程Web应用程序的集成封装起来。

2.When you place your portlet on a page, it makes more sense if it closely matches the name of your SWT view.将portlet放置到页面上时,如果其名称与SWT视图的名称相近,会给您带来很大的方便。

3.The Portlet Filter returns the processed contents as if it were a proper portlet returning contents normally.Portlet过滤器返回处理过的内容,就好像它是一个正常返回内容的适当的portlet。

4.WebSphere Studio enables you to easily drag the Web service onto a portlet page in the form of a JSF Web service cpent component.WebSphereStudio使您能够轻易地以JSFWeb服务客户端组件的形式将Webservice拖动到portlet页面上。

5.This aggregation tag pbrary enables you to render the portlet content within a window frame or to aggregate multiple portlets onto a page.这个聚合标记库允许您在窗口框架内呈现Portlet内容,或将多个Portlet聚合到一个页面上。

6.A generous helping of Ajax makes it easy to arrange or rearrange the portlets onto the page as you think is best.而Ajax所提供的“慷慨”帮助更让将这些portlet安排和重新安排到您所认为最合适的页面上变得格外容易。

7.As the owner or editor of a space, you can drag any of the portlets shown in the menu on the left, and drop them into a spot in the columns.作为空间的主人或编辑,您需要将左侧菜单中显示的所有portlet拖放到列中的某个位置。

8.Each state determines how much real estate a portlet will have on the screen and, therefore, affects how much content can be displayed.每种状态确定portlet将在屏幕上所占的空间,从而影响可以显示多少内容。

9.WebSphere Portal supports this paradigm by replacing the screens, which had been used in previous releases, with normal pages and portlets.WebSpherePortal通过替换屏幕来支持这一范例,先前的版本中是这样运用的,关于普通的页面以及portlet。

10.The marketing hype tells us that building portlets are easy, with simple portlets being built in a few hours to a few days.营销宣传告诉我们,构建portlet很容易,只要花费几小时到几天就可以构建出简单的portlet。