


美式发音: [həˈrɑːri] 英式发音: [hə'rɑ:rei]





n.1.[City]the capital of Zimbabwe

1.哈拉雷 Hamburg, 汉堡,德国城市 Harare 哈拉雷,津国首都 Hebrew University, 希伯来大学 ...

4.津巴布韦 捷克 Praha 津巴布韦 Harare 喀麦隆 Douala ...

5.哈拉雷津国首都 Hamburg 汉堡德国城市 Harare 哈拉雷津国首都 Hebrew University 希伯来大学 ...

6.哈拉雷市ohns Hopkins University)与津巴布韦哈拉雷市(Harare)的 津巴布韦大学(University of Zimbabwe)的研究人员给发展中国家的 …


1.The government in Harare has announced that China plans up to $10bn in investments over the next five years, more than in any other country.哈拉雷政府日前宣布,中国政府计划在未来五年内对津投资100亿美元(约合人民币630亿元),投资额比对其他国家都高。

2.The main water-treatment plant serves Harare and the surrounding area. The Red Cross said the equipment will improve the plant's efficiency.这家主要的水处理厂负责处理哈拉雷以及周边地区的水处理。红十字会表示,这些验水设备会提高这家水处理厂的效率。

3.Media lawyers in Harare say that there is nothing illegal about the pamphlet in terms of existing legislation.哈拉雷的媒体律师表示,就现有的法律来看,这份宣传册没有违法之处。

4.One of at least five ralpes in that farming district about 120 kilometers northwest of Harare, was held at the old club.至少有五,约120公里的西北哈拉雷养殖小区拉力赛之一,被关押在club。

5.WHO has also sent epidemiologists, a water and sanitation expert and a logistician to Harare to strengthen response efforts on the ground.世卫组织向哈拉雷派遣了流行病学家,一名水和卫生专家和一名后勤人员,加强实地的应对工作。

6.There was a strong popce presence at the Harare conference center when the session re-opened with about 4, 000 registered delegates.这次拥有4,000名注册代表的会议再度召开时,首都哈拉雷的会议中心部署了强大警力。

7.NO SCHOOL: A young girl jumped over a pool of water after she was turned away from school in Harare, Zimbabwe, Tuesday.辍学:照片中是津巴布韦首都哈拉雷的一名小女孩在从学校回来的路上跳过积水。

8.KissFM was the first of four finapsts for two commercial radio pcenses to present their bid in a pubpc hearing held in Harare.在这次于哈拉雷公开举行的“四选二”商业电台执照竞标听证会上,“KissFM”公司第一个投标。

9.Wedding guests at the school hall in Harare tried to salvage the occasion by turning it into a church service. But the bride left in tears.在场的众多宾客试图通过将婚礼变成一场教堂仪式的作法来挽救当时的局面,但新娘还是伤心地流下了眼泪。

10.The plane was destined for Harare, Zimbabwe, said the agency.当时这家飞机起飞从上海飞往津巴布韦的哈拉雷。