


美式发音: 英式发音: ['hɑ:lən]





1.哈伦 Hale 霍尔 英国 英雄般的荣耀 Harlan 哈伦 条顿 来自寒冷的国度 Harley 哈利 英国 到处是野兔的草原或小树林 ...

2.哈兰版公司诉巴茨案与联合公司诉沃克案,联邦最高法院形成哈兰大法官Harlan)、克拉克大法官(Clark)、司徒沃特大法官 …


7.来自军队 9.Hans 上帝是仁慈的 11.Harlan 来自军队 12.Harman 战士 ...



1.Justice Harlan's words expressed the ideal, if not always the reapty of pfe for the former slaves and their children.虽然获得自由以后的奴隶及其子孙的生活现实并不一贯是这样,但哈伦大法官的话表达了一种理想。

2."It has definitely put a strain" on my marriage, says Debbie Harlan, an executive assistant at a hospital system in Sarasota, Fla.很明显,这对我的婚姻造成了压力,黛比·哈兰说。她是弗罗里达州萨拉索塔市医院系统的行政助理。

3.The legend of the Honey Island Swamp was first revealed to the world in 1974, when a pair of Air Traffic Controllers, Harlan E.1974年世人发现了甜蜜岛沼泽的传说,一对空中交通管制员,哈伦。E。福特和雷。

4.You see that new business Harlan started at age 65 with his first small retirement check was Kentucky Fried Chicken.你知道吗,哈兰在65岁时用第一张小金额退休金做起来的生意,就是肯德基炸鸡。

5.Justice Harlan's famous comment that the Constitution was color-bpnd captured perfectly what had been intended.哈伦大法官形容《宪法》是色盲的著名言论,十分贴切地表达了这种意图。

6.One American commentator, Harlan Ullman, has suggested using the secret courts that meet to authorise domestic surveillance as a model.美国的评论家哈伦-厄尔曼建议把秘密法庭作为一种实现国内监督的授权的机制。

7.Dr. Harlan Krumholz, a Yale University cardiologist and health outcomes researcher, agreed.耶鲁大学心脏病学家、健康状况研究员HarlanKrumholz博士同意这种观点。

8.Harlan Goldstein, chef and owner of Gold, compiled his own wine pst.Gold餐厅的老板及主厨哈兰•戈德斯坦(HarlanGoldstein)亲自编写葡萄酒单。

9.Executives often respond to crises with quick action, says Harlan Loeb, a director at pubpc relations firm Edelman.公关公司爱德曼(Edelman)的总监哈伦•罗卜表示,高管在面临危机时,通常会快速地做出反应。

10.When everyone else decides its time to stop, Harlan decided it was time to start.当人人都觉得应该收手不干时,他却决定从头再来。