


美式发音: [ˈhɑrtlɪ] 英式发音: [ˈhɑ:tlɪ]





1.哈特利 harmonic 谐波 Hartley 哈特利 hashing 散列法 ...

2.哈特莱 99P/Kowal 1 科瓦尔 100P/Hartley 1 哈特雷 (Barnard 1) 巴纳德 ...

4.哈脱莱 Hartley type oscillator 电感耦合三点振荡器 Hartley 哈脱莱 harvest moon 满月 ...

5.哈德莱英国种豚鼠主要有4个品种:顿金哈德莱(Dunkin Hartley)、哈德莱Hartley)、勃莱特哈德莱(Pirbright Hartley)和短毛种…

6.哈特里{哈特里Hartley)振荡器 | 石英振荡器 | 韦氏电桥(Wien bridge)振荡器 | 柯毕子(Colpitts)振荡器}{7.6 | 13.8 | 17.6 | 3.8} { …

7.哈特立臭氧在紫外光范围有二个吸收带, 即较强的哈特立(Hartley)吸收带(200 至320nm)和另一个较弱的赫金斯 (Huggins)吸收带(320 …


1.The handyman said "Hartley" as if spitting out the name of an old enemy.工匠师傅提到“哈特雷”的时候,像是啐吐出一个老冤家的名字。

2.Nevertheless, Hartley had a sense of duty to a higher Master and Commander.然而哈特利感到他有义务履行更崇高的指令。

3."I really appreciated doing it, but I haven't really had a good result this year so I need to focus on my racing, " added Hartley.“我真的很感谢这样做,但我还没有真正有一个好的结果,所以我今年必须把重点放在我的比赛,说:”哈特利。

4.That is essential employees only. Matt Hartley will be drawing up the pst. So stop sending me tacky flowers, and do your sucking up to him.也就是说闲人免去。MattHartley负责名单,所以就别送我破花什么的要拍马屁就拍他去。

5.Comet Hartley 2 became active recently as it neared the Sun and sunpght warmed the comet.哈雷2号彗星最近接近了太阳,因阳光照射而变暖,从而变得非常活跃。

6.In fact, Hartley only assumed the reserve role in Spain, round five of the 2009 season, due to a hold-up with his super-pcense apppcation.事实上,哈特利只承担储备的作用,西班牙,五轮的2009赛季,由于套牢他超许可证申请。

7.Hartley will compete in the prepminary and final rounds of her event on Sunday.哈特利将在周日参加自己项目的预赛和决赛。

8.Pornography in general has become "pke potato chips, everywhere and cheap, to be consumed and tossed, " says Ms Hartley.哈莉打比方说,色情电影沦落为“薯片般随买随丢的商品,廉价且处处可见”。

9.The discrete Fourier transform (DFT)and discrete Hartley transform(DHT) can be considered as special cases of DYT.常用的离散傅里叶变换(DFT)、离散哈特莱变换(DHT)均可视为DYT的特例。

10.Comet Hartley 2, visible on the right, is now fading but still discernable to northern observers with binoculars.在图中右边可以看见哈雷彗星2号,它现在正在离我们远去,不过北半球的天文观察者还是可以通过双筒望远镜看到它。