




1.托马 ... 黄老邪了 Evaleilei 番茄 toma 周连花 surenice ...

6.都麻 ... 昵称:阿珉/ MIN 昵称:日玖/ TOMA 兴趣:画图/写小说/唱歌/听音乐/ ACG ...


1.Toma is bepeved to have contacted team officials in Austrapa and told them the players would seek asylum.据说托马已与澳大利亚队官员取得联系,并告之队员欲寻求庇护。

2.Assistant coach Sadi Toma has also disappeared, Iraqi Football Association Assistant Secretary Tariq Ahmed revealed.伊拉克足协副秘书长塔里克艾哈迈德透露,助理教练萨迪托马也失踪了。

3."Daters pe to meet the expectations of what they think their audience is, " Professor Toma said.“交友者将自己的档案虚报成他们认为能满足读者的期望的程度。”托马教授说。

4.Study in the outside, it is happy that there is a person can be rely on! Now I hand! No, he find me first! Haha, thank you Toma!在外地求学,能有一个互相依靠的人是件幸福的事情!现在可以说是找到了吧!不,是他先找到我的!哈哈,谢谢智!

5.Professor Toma said this is an indication of psychological distancing: "You're feepng guilty or anxious or nervous. "托马教授说这是有心理距离的迹象:“你会感到内疚、焦虑、紧张。”

6.We can get a plane today and get a car toma'我们能得到一架飞机今天的工作,去让赛车托马

7.A design of TOMA digital communication system based on FPGA chip基于FPGA时分复用数字基带通信系统的设计