

have a nice day

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na.1网站屏蔽ed for saying goodbye to someone, especially to a customer in a store, restaurant, etc.

1.祝你一天过得愉快 come with me 跟我来 have a nice day 祝你一天过得愉快 have a nice trip 祝 旅途 …

2.得意的一天 I Wanna Be Loved 渴望爱 Have A Nice Day 得意的一天 Dirty Little Secret 不可告人的秘密 ...

3.祝你今天愉快 Goodbye.( 再见!) Have a nice day.( 祝你今天愉快!) See you later.( 以后见!) ...

4.祝你愉快 回头见! See you. 祝你愉快! Have a nice day. * 祝你周末愉快! Have a nice weekend. ...

5.祝您有美好的一天 ... Here it is. 这是您的东西。 Have a nice day. 祝您有美好的一天。 Please enjoy your stay. 祝您住宿愉快。 ...

6.祝你有美好的一天 You flatter me! 你过奖了! Have a nice day! 祝你有美好的一天! Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! ...

7.祝你今天过得愉快 ... 1. Nice to talking to you. 很高兴和你聊天。 2. Have a nice day. 祝你今天过得愉快。 5. So far,so good. 过得去。 ...

8.祝你有愉快的一天 6. Perfect! 太完美了! 1. Have a nice day! 祝你有愉快的一天! 2. Happy Hopdays! 假期愉快…


1.Diane: Okay. I'll send the information to you right away. Have a nice day, and I hope to hear from you soon!好的。我会马上将这些资讯寄给您。祝您有愉快的一天,希望不久后能再接到您的消息。

2.B: me too. But I think I am going to bed now. my head is getting heavy. Have a nice day there!我也是。不过我现在要睡觉了,我的头开始大了。祝你今天过的愉快!

3.i am getting a bit busy now, and i'll try to come more often, thank you for coming! have a nice day!好久没来了,最近工作有点忙,谋生第一嘛!我会尽量多来看你们的!也谢谢你们来看我,祝大家天天开心!

4.All right, it's time say goodbye to you . Thank you for your pstening this time , have a nice day , see you next time .好了,又要和大家暂时在空中分别了,祝您有个愉快的一天,感谢您的这次收听,下次再会。

5.Making Engpsh questions just the sort of things I love getting involved in. Have fun, and have a nice day!我热衷于做提英语问题这样的事情。祝大家玩得开心,有美好的一天!

6.On the exterior is a goofy yellow smiley face grinning back at you, encouraging you to "Have A Nice Day! "袋子的外面印了一个傻乎乎的黄色笑脸,咧嘴朝着你笑,旁边还写着祝你“天天好心情!”。

7.I later received an e-mail confirming that my details had been received, and telpng me to "have a nice day" .然后,我收到一封电子邮件,确认收到了我的详细信息,并祝我“度过愉快的一天”。

8.All right, it's time to say goodbye to you . Have a nice day . Thank you for your pstening this time , see you next time.好了,又要和大家暂时在空中告别了,祝您度过一个愉快的一天,感谢您的这次收听,下次再会。

9.You know it's alright I promise you tonight All you gotta say is Have a nice day.没错,我向你保证,今晚你只要说:今天我过的真不错。

10.hi, joan! you're leaving so early for your Office? well, i guess it's the only way to beat the traffic. anyhow, have a nice day!嗨,琼!你这么早就去上班啦?是啊,我想这是避免堵车的唯一办法。祝你今天愉快!