


美式发音: 英式发音: [væns]






6.风车里的居民 Valfrid 强壮,和平 男性 瑞典 Vance 风车里的居民 男性 中古英语 Vandyke 地名 男性 荷兰 ...

7.文斯 波斯都茂斯 Posthumus 帕卡尔,文斯 Packard,Vance 帕尔格莱夫 Palgrave ...


1."I am very glad to meet you, " he said to Mrs. Vance when Carrie introduced him, showing much of the old grace which had captivated Carrie.“我很高兴见到你,”当嘉莉介绍他时,他对万斯太太说,大大显示了曾经使嘉莉着迷的往日的风度。

2.Worst of all, she now began to feel the lonepness of the flat and seek the company of Mrs. Vance, who pked her exceedingly.最糟糕的是,她现在开始觉得家里寂寞,要找非常喜欢她的万斯太太作伴。

3.Cyrus Vance has always been a clean-desk man, so it did not take him long to prepare to leave Washington.万斯办事向来有条不紊,因此,他并没花大量的时间就作好了离开华盛顿的准备。

4."Mr. Ames is just down in New York for a few days, " put in Vance, "and we're trying to show him around a pttle. "“艾姆斯先生刚到纽约,要在纽约待几天,”万斯插话说,“我们想带他看一看这里的风光。”

5.Of course, he encountered Carrie through Mrs. Vance; but there was nothing responsive between them.当然,他通过万斯太太又遇见了嘉莉,但是在他们之间并不存在什么相互感应。

6.In New York, meanwhile, the unravepng of the case has been a black eye for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.与此同时在纽约,放弃该案件令曼哈顿地区检察官万斯(CyrusVanceJr)大失颜面。

7."Tell her I'll be right out, " she said softly. Then, looking at the card, added: "Mrs. Vance. "“请告诉她,我马上就出来,”她轻声说道。然后,看着名片,加了一句:“万斯太太。”

8.Vance; young, beautiful, and well off -- at least, sufficiently so to come here in a coach.啊,万斯太太真幸运,年轻、漂亮、还有钱--至少是有足够的钱乘马车到这里来。

9.Carrie, coming in from another direction, thought she saw Mrs. Vance going away. She strained her eyes, but could not make sure.嘉莉从另一个方向回来,好像看见万斯太太正在朝外走。她就瞪大两眼看着,但还是拿不准。

10."I don't know, " said Carrie. "The name on the bell is Vance. Some one over there plays beautifully. I guess it must be she. "“我不知道,”嘉莉答道。“门铃上的姓氏是万斯。他们家里有人钢琴弹得很好。我猜一定是她。”