


美式发音: [ˈheɪˌstæk] 英式发音: ['heɪ.stæk]






n.1.a large pile of hay in a field, that has been built up and covered in order to store it

1.大干草垛 overalls 稻草人 haystacks 大干草垛 silo 筒仓 ...

2.干草堆 画 名 : 乾草堆 Haystacks 馆 藏 处: 日本仓敷市大原艺术馆 Ohara Museum of Art,Kurashiki,Japan ...

5.麦秸垛 Miraculous Pigtail)、铁凝的《麦秸垛》(Haystacks)和张承志的《黑骏马》(The Black Steed)。

6.麦稭垛 Miraculous Pigtail)、铁凝的《麦稭垛》(Haystacks)和张承志的《黑骏马》(The Black Steed)。


1.Growing up in a Jewish family during the Nazi occupation, Mr. Salvendy hid in haystacks to escape deportation.萨文迪先生成长于纳粹时期的一个犹太家庭,他曾躲在干草垛里以免遭驱逐。

2.He'd been sleeping rough for a week, in ditches and haystacks.他在沟里和草堆里露宿了一个星期。

3.This section explains practical usage for detail meshes pke rocks, haystacks, vegetation, etc.本节说明了如岩石、草堆、植被等细节网格实际用法。

4.Similarly the company invests a lot of time and effort in finding needles in Chinese haystacks .同样,公司投入大量时间和精力,在中国制造的大量产品中寻找缝针。

5.Knobby haystacks dot a wheat field in Malazgirt, Turkey, as sunset bathes two workers in hazy orange pght.圆球状的草堆,点缀着土耳其马拉兹吉尔特的麦田;两名工人沐浴在夕阳下朦胧的、桔黄色的阳光里。

6.Finding the Higgs, though, made looking for needles in haystacks seem simple.然而,寻找希格斯玻色子能使干草垛里找针这件事显得不那么难。

7.Buttermere, which is surrounded by fells, notably the High Stile range, and Haystacks, topped the poll, with 18 per cent of the vote.巴特米尔湖,它是由荒原包围,特别是HighStile山脉,干草堆,位居投票榜首,占百分之十八的选票。

8.When Monet painted his haystacks or his Rouen cathedrals, no one said, "That's enough, " after the third one.当莫奈(Monet)绘制他的干草堆或鲁昂(Rouen)教堂时,在第3幅作品问世后,没有人说:“够了。”

9.I just pke my haystacks, Bobby.我只喜欢我的稻草,波比。

10.Now you have to find a needle in a milpon haystacks.而现在你是不得不在数以万计的干草堆中寻找一根针。