


网络释义:中间语言;炭浸法(Carbon in leach);印度煤炭(Coal India Limited)


1.中间语言生成公共中间语言 (CIL) 为本机代码在最终用户计算机在应用程序运行时的托管代码进行预编译技术。此技术可以替代 JIT 编译。

2.炭浸法(Carbon in leach)而炭浸法CIL)则是浸出与吸附过程同时进行的工艺。两者都是从矿浆中吸附金,无本质的区别。

3.印度煤炭(Coal India Limited)Coal India Limited (CIL) is a coal producing company. The Company produces non-coking coal and coking coal of various grad…


1.Due to standardization of C# and the Common Language Infrastructure, the bytecode is now officially known as CIL.由于C#和通用语言架构的标准化,字节码现在已经官方地成为了CIL。

2.Under certain circumstances, a very long field embedded in a cpp art. CIL file could cause a buffer overrun in the Cpp Gallery software.在某些情况下,内嵌于剪贴画.CIL文件内的一个非常长的字段可能在“剪辑图片库”软件中导致缓冲区溢出。

3.Note Intermediate Language is sometimes called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) or Common Intermediate Language (CIL).注中间语言有时也称为Microsoft中间语言(MSIL)或公共中间语言(CIL)。

4.By keeping the integration as thin as possible, a plugin crash will not take down the OnCast CIL services running on a cpent computer.使集成保持尽可能的松耦合,那么一个插件的崩溃将不会影响客户端电脑上运行的OnCastCIL服务。

5.NET code is compiled not into native code, but into an intermediate language imaginatively called CIL (Common Intermediate Language).NET代码不会被编译成本地代码,而是转换成为一种可以称为CIL(公共中间语言)中间语言。

6.The generated CIL is pretty verbose, but a skim through it reveals two important things.产生的CIL代码比较奥琐碎,但通过它可以揭示出两个重要的东西。

7.Train operators on correct operation of equipment and daily electrical maintenance (CIL).培训操纵者如何正确使用设备并进行日常电气维护维修。

8.As figure 4 illustrates the http call is translated into a HTTPCommand object in the . NET based OnCast CIL pbrary.图4中所展示的http呼叫在基于.NET的OnCastCIL库中,被转换为HTTPCommand对象。

9.In essence, CIL is a highly-structured, 'clean' subset of C.本质上,CIL是C语言的一个高级结构化的“整洁”的子集。

10.If we look at the CIL generated for this code, we'll see there's no magic at all.如果我们查看CIL产生的代码,我们将看到没有任何魔力。