


美式发音: [ˈstretʃi] 英式发音: ['stretʃi]



比较级:stretchier  最高级:stretchiest  同义词反义词





1.有弹性的that can easily be made longer or wider without tearing or breaking

stretchy fabric有弹性的织物


adj.1.stretchy cloth or clothing can be stretched and will go back to its original shape

1.有弹性的 energy n. 精力, 精神, 活力, [物]能量 stretchy adj. 有弹性的 prepared adj. 准备好的, 精制的 ...

2.弹性十足 ... POISON QUILLS( 有毒刺针) STRETCHY弹性十足) GAS REFINERY( 瓦斯 …

3.伸长的 elongated 拉长的;延长的 stretchy 伸长的 capture 捕捉;获取 ...

4.快乾弹性短裤 Lafuma LFV6679 STRETCHY 快乾弹性短裤 卡其 Lafuma LFV6679 STRETCHY 快乾弹性短裤 褐 ...


1.The rubber tube is just stretchy enough to allow a good resistance for natural swimming feel, but I hardly notice the belt at all.橡胶管有足够的弹性让你感觉到正常游泳时的阻力,但我几乎忽视了腰带的存在。

2.Her stretchy solar cells are pleated pke an accordion and are able to expand up to 30 percent extra in two directions.她的弹性太阳能电池有像手风琴一样的褶皱,并能在两个方向上延伸多达30%。

3.But since it was made of a stretchy material, I decided to test its strain properties.但是,由于它是一种可伸展的材料,我就决定测试一下它的应变性质。

4.I learnt two serious, and probably universal, lessons: cash is always better than credit cards and no stretchy black velvet.本人得到了或许是全世界通行的两大教训:现金永远比信用卡更获青睐,以及千万别买弹性款黑色天鹅绒衣服,虽然让人欲罢不能。

5.She can easily put them on and take them off herself as the bodices are made of a very stretchy fabric.她能够轻松地把它们的飘起,并把他们各人的紧身衣是一个非常有弹性的面料制成。

6.The body of the frog is round with a yellow, stretchy, soft plastic skin that covers a red squishy ball.青蛙的身体是圆的,黄色、有弹性、柔软的塑料表皮覆盖一个红色软球。

7.Fashion critics praise Chung for her mastery of jersey, a cotton-pke, stretchy material.时尚评论家盛赞郑杜里对针织材料的掌握度,针织是一种类似棉、有弹性的质材。

8.The masks, a relatively new product made of stretchy fabric commonly used in bathing suits, epcited a range of reactions from beachgoers.相对而言,这种面罩是一种新产品,由通常用于制作泳衣的弹性面料制成。它引起了沙滩游客们的各种不同反应。

9.He developed a way to replace or repair blood vessels with Dacron, a stretchy manmade material. He continued to improve on the process.他开发了一种使用涤纶(一种有弹性的人造材料)来更换或修复血管的方法。他不断的改进术式。

10.Scientists have, however, overcome this and are now able to produce long rolls of the stretchy plastic.科学家们,但是,克服这一点,现在能够产生长期辊的弹性塑料。