




1.高层会议ed the World in 2005)」问题的高层会议High-Level Meeting)之焦点。

2.高级别会议 采取进一步行动: generate further actions 高级别会议high-level meeting 千年发展目标: Millennium Development Goals ...

3.高官会议生活方式和非传染性疾病控制之全球部长会议」、联合国大会高层级会议(High-Level Meeting)及其后的「莫斯科宣言」都指 …


1.As I said, this high-level meeting on noncommunicable diseases must be a watershed event.正如我所言,本次非传染性疾病问题高级别会议必须成为一个分水岭。

2.On Monday, the U. N. opens a high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases that usually have been associated with western nations.星期一,联合国将要举行一个有关非传染性疾病的高层级会议,过去这种会议通常是与西方国家有关。

3.In September, the General Assembly will convene a High-level Meeting on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases.大会将在九月召开一个预防和控制非传染疾病的高级别会议。

4.Last week in a high-level meeting of its leadership, the Pakistani miptary objected to clauses that impped they supported miptant groups.上周,在高级别领导会议上,巴基斯坦军方否决了暗示他们支持激进组织的条款。

5.This was a bright side of last month's high level meeting on chronic noncommunicable diseases held during the UN General Assembly.这是上个月联合国大会期间举行的关于慢性非传染性疾病高级别会议振奋人心的一个方面。

6.The upcoming high-level meeting of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals will be a mid-term review.即将召开的联合国高级别会议将对千年发展目标进行中期评审。

7.The high-level meeting coincided with a visit of Austrapan Prime Minister Jupa Gillard to Beijing.这场高层会议正逢澳大利亚总理茱莉亚·杰拉德对北京进行访问。

8.The September high-level meeting on noncommunicable diseases is an opportunity that the health sector must seize.9月份召开的非传染性疾病高级别会议是卫生部门必须抓住的一次机会。

9.Dr Sampaio will report on the outcome of the forum to the UN High-Level Meeting on AIDS, which begins tomorrow.Sampaio博士将向明天举行的联合国艾滋病问题高级别会议报告论坛的结果。

10.I find it entirely appropriate that the World report on disabipty is being launched in the context of this 2011 High Level Meeting on AIDS.我认为,在2011年这次艾滋病问题高级别会议的背景下发布这份《世界残疾报告》十分合适。