




1.一起长大 ... break up 破坏 grow up together 一起长大 joined at the hip adj. 联系紧密的,非常亲密的 ...

2.一起长大的美好 姐姐和妹妹 kinship and laughter 一起长大的美好 Grow up together 无垠的蓝,无限伸展的水平线,叫做世界 Endless Horizo…

3.我们一起长大 Morning Stars 2012:Grow Up Together " 我们一起长大" MS2011:Peacock Dance " 碧波孔雀" ...


1.Web, it is a very good communication platform, let me with love language students grow up together, progresses together.韦博,是一个很好的交流平台,让我与热爱语言的同学一起成长,一起进步。

2.The two men did not grow up together, but got to know each other as adults and last met during Obama's election campaign.他们没有在一起长大,直到成人后才互相认识和了解,上一次见面还是在奥巴马选举期间。

3.They were about to grow up together on catering-trolley food in an utterly artificial environment.他们将会在一个由小推车供给的食物和完全人造的环境中一起长大。

4.we two grow up together, through many things have been past, but i could remember them freshly, and can't forget them.我们俩从就一起长大,虽然有些事已经过去很久很久,但我依然记忆犹新,不能忘怀。

5.Grow up together with the children!与孩子一起成长!

6.They would pke to choose those vigorous and new cultures, and grow up together with it.他们愿意选择那些具有活力的新文化,并与其一起成长。

7.In this warm family inside, let us learn together, and babies grow up together, happy mother, yukon do healthy babies!在这个温暖的大家庭里面,让我们一起学习,和宝宝一起成长,做幸福的妈妈,育健康的宝宝!

8.Hope can become a good friend with everyone within this three years, study together and grow up together.希望在这三年里可以和大家成为好朋友,一起学习,一起成长。

9.It focuses on the pves of two black men, Rooster and Cpve-nem, who grow up together in Compton.它着重于两个黑人,公鸡和克莱夫涅姆,谁在康普顿一起成长的生活。

10.We sincerely invite you to join us and grow up together!我们诚挚的邀请你加入,并一同成长发展!