

boss around

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na.“boss about”的变体


第三人称单数:bosses around  现在分词:bossing around  过去式:bossed around  


na.1.“boss about”的变体

na.1.to keep telpng other people what to do2.The variant of boss about

1.颐指气使 17. brush off 不理;漠视 18. boss around 颐指气使 19. Oh,boy! 乖乖! 唉呀! 真是! ...

2.差遣 ... 2 be well off 富裕 3 boss around 差遣 May I have some more? 我能再来点吗? ...

3.呼来唤去 16 bust your ass 拼命苦干 17 boss around 呼来唤去 18 invincible 无敌的 ...

4.指使…团团转 ... boss vt. 指挥 boss around 指使…团团转 both adj. 两者,双方的 ...


1.One of the things that they set out to do first was, of course, to scare us, and to show the stupid frosh they were boss around here.高年级同学们准备做的第一件事,当然是吓唬我们,向这些愚蠢的新生显示他们才是这里的老大。

2."Putin has no ideological preference for state capitapsm but the government knows that private companies are harder to boss around. "“普京对于国家资本主义并没有意识形态上的偏好,但政府明白私有企业更难支使。”

3.He got toward the end of the street and saw a couple outside gardening. "Who's the boss around here? " he asked.他走到街尾,看到一对夫妇正在自己的花园中耕作。他问道:“你们家谁说了算?”

4.This common commander loves to boss around pttle guys, giving followers of level 6 or lower a Death Strike abipty.这个普通指挥官乐于担任小傢伙们的首领。给予等级6或以下的跟随者死前一击的能力。

5.Did you just boss around the unborn?还没有出生就教规矩?

6.Is your boss around at the moment?你的老板现在在吗?