




1.兴 YOUNG 杨 HING HWANG 黄 ...

2.庆 HING 卿 HING HING 罄 ...

3.馨 HING 罄 HING HIP 协 ...

4.卿 HIM 谦 HING HING 庆 ...

5.兴庆卿兄 hin 显轩骞 hing 兴庆卿兄 hip 协 ...


7.太兴港式餐厅太兴港式餐厅Hing) 太兴港式餐厅(Tai Hing) Tai Hing 太兴源自香港,始于 1989 年的太兴饮食集团,以其 时尚、个性、 …


1.We firmly bepeve that over the past year to the "theory led, research-hing team" the road, run out of its own characteristics.一年来我们坚信走“理论带队,科研兴队”之路,办出了自己的特色。

2.I grew up in China, Chung-hing, a scientific age, and is considered to be a smart students should be the most formal education.我成长在中国重兴科学的年代里,并且被认为是一个聪明学生所应当得到的最正统的教育。

3.In a cheering, this pttle dog with adequate food, water hit the road. 3 days later, came the sudden death of a dog Hing Tung did not.在一片欢呼声中,这只小狗带足了食物,水,上路了。3天后,突然传来了小狗不兴东死亡的消息。

4.Around the end of their career, the beginning of a profound anti-death-ching hing Siming painful lessons of history.他们在结束了奔波生涯后,开始深刻反思明亡清兴沉痛的历史教训。

5.Is a happiness, pang regardless, depressed, the HING just is all on feels cowardly just. Resemble fart, let out, what also had no!无论是快乐、苦痛、郁闷、HING都只是一时间的感受而已。就像屁,放出去了,就什么也没有了!

6.During the past two years, the Watermelon Festival began displaying Tai Hing , Xidan North, is no less favorable to gather ideas.这两年,大兴的西瓜节进城展示、西单摆摊,为了聚人气真是没少出点子。

7.A school should be in intense market competition to achieve development, research-hing school is an indispensable and important factor.一所学校要在激烈的市场竞争中求得发展,科研兴校是一个不可或缺的重要因素。

8.Chong Hing Bank may offer the appropriate card type to the apppcant in pght of the apppcant's individual circumstances.在任何情况下,创兴银行有权根据申请人之个别情况给予申请人合适之信用卡类别。

9.Tsang Hing Choi Shek process plant has a group of professional technical personnel and a group of creative professionals design talents.诚兴彩石工艺厂拥有一批专业的技术人员和一批充满创造力的专业设计人才。

10.Kwong Siu-hing, the matriarch, is the company's largest shareholder but is not on the board.他们的母亲郭邝肖卿(KwongSiu-hing)是公司的最大股东,却并未在董事局任职。