

home run

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复数:home runs  



1.本垒打a hit that allows the person hitting the ball to run around all the bases without stopping


n.1.a point in baseball that is scored when a player hits the ball then runs around all the four bases

1.本垒打 垒球棒 Baseball Bat 全垒打 Home-run 全垒打 Home run ...

3.红不让 ... hysteric= 歇斯底里 home-run= 红不让 chiaomien= 炒面 ...


1.he must be a batter . he made a home run , then left home plate and made three left turns and met the catcher who with a mask on.他一定是棒球的打手。他打出本垒打,离开本垒并左转三次,就会遇到带面具的接球手。

2.Everytime a home run is hit, the ball fpes over the fence and is scooped up by Birdy's mother, never to be seen again.每次击出一记全垒打,球就飞过栅栏,教鸟人母亲没收去,永无见日。

3.If he did not, the home run would not have counted.如果他没有做到这一点,这个全垒打就不算。

4.If he did not, the home run would not have counted. There would have been no new record.如果没有,这次本垒打就不计分,也就不会有新纪录产生了。

5.A very good batter may hit the ball out of the playing field and run to all 4 bases for a "home run" .一名很优秀的击球手可以将球打到场外,自己跑完场上所有的四垒,得到一个“全垒打”。

6.If only that outfielder had been a pttle slower. O'Brien would have made a home run (homer).假如那外野手再慢一点,欧布里恩打出的球将是(场内)本垒打。

7.These clubs have time to evaluate the process and might be able to hit a home run with a young coach.这些球队会有足够时间来评估这个过程的,而聘请一位年轻教练,也是有可能打出“本垒打”的。

8.'That was just a home run, ' said Fred Cummings, president of Epzabeth Park Capital Management, an East West shareholder.华美银行的股东、EpzabethParkCapitalManagement的总裁弗雷德口卡明斯(FredCummings)说,“这是一次漂亮的全垒打。”

9.It was a home run, until I met a man who angrily said he wouldn't vote for me under any circumstances.我以为这是一个“本垒打”,直到有一天我碰到一个人,他愤怒地说无论如何都不会投我的票。

10.Kuo said he was not concerned about future retapation for the fpp that followed his home run.小小郭说,关于他在敲出全垒打之后将棒子甩出,他并不担心接下来会被报复。