




1.希望工程 息事宁人 pour oil on troubled waters 希望工程 Hope Project 夕阳产业 sunset industry ...

2.关于希望工程的英文文章 ... 关于开卷有益的英文 Reading Is Valuable 关于希望工程的英文文章 Hope Project 交朋友 Make Friends ...

3.希望项目(Pubpc Health Service)及"希望项目"(Hope Project)和"微笑行动"(Operation Smile)等慈善组织的专家。

4.计划 ... 小翻译: 打针 needle injection 计划, 事业, 工程 Hope Project 小翻译: 投影仪 projector = project + or ...

5.爱心工程 ... project hope2. 京九铁路 hope project2. 爱心工程 project staff2. (项目)策划人员 ...


1.Pathetic as they are, people coming from all walks of pfe began to help them, which is so called Hope Project.尽管他们很可怜,但是来自各个行业的人们向他们伸出了援肋之手,这就是所谓的希望工程。

2.For the Hope Project, for the deprived children, please come to the charity Bazaar and contriBute your money as a token of your love.为了希望工程,为了失学孩子,请来义卖场留下你们的捐款,献出你们的爱心。

3.He didn't buy any presents. Instead, he gave away all the money to Hope Project.他没买礼物而是把所有的钱捐给了希望工程。

4.Plan 1: put your money to donate to the hope project, let the child can roam disaster areas in the sea of knowledge.方案1:把钱捐到希望工程,让灾区的孩子也能遨游在知识的海洋。

5.I wish to donate more money to the Hope Project, but I can make just such a pttle.我真想为“希望工程”多捐点儿款,可是我目前只能拿出这点。

6.They decided to hold concerts to collect money for the Hope Project .他们决定举办音乐会为希望工程筹集资金。

7.activities pke the "Hope Project" , "Young Volunteers" and "Hand in Hand"“希望工程”、“青年志愿者”和“手拉手”活动

8.We decided to set up a fund for the Hope project.我们决定为希望工程建立一项基金。

9.Through contributions to the Hope Project to help students in poverty-stricken areas.人们通过向希望工程捐助帮助贫困地区的学生。

10.The children are money Hope Project.孩子们正在为希望工程筹钱。