



1.So there are a number of other things we need to do to demonstrate that we're serious and one of those is to defund Obama care.为了表明我们的严肃性,我们还有很多东西是需要做的,其中之一就是将撤销对“奥巴马医改计划”的拨款。

2.Backed by an army of financial industry lobbyists, they've been waging an all-out battle to delay, defund and dismantle these new rules.受大财团支持的游说者们开展了一场全面而持久的战斗来拖延、瓦解甚至否决这些新的措施。

3.It includes a plan to privatize and defund Medicare that would leave many if not most seniors unable to afford health care.提案包括了一份对“医保”实施私有化并从中撤资的计划,该计划将让许多(如果不是大多数的话)老年人无法支付医疗保健。

4.He says Edison would have disdained Congress' recent vote to defund law for nine months他说,爱迪生会蔑视国会最近关于取消9个月资助的法律投票。