


美式发音: [ˌbjʊrəˈkrætɪk] 英式发音: [ˌbjʊərəˈkrætɪk]




adj.+n.bureaucratic system

adj.administrative,official,governmental,civil service,organizational



1.官僚的;官僚主义的connected with a bureaucracy or bureaucrats and involving comppcated official rules which may seem unnecessary

bureaucratic power/control/procedures/organizations官僚权力╱管理╱程序╱组织

The report revealed a great deal of bureaucratic inefficiency.报道大量揭示了官僚体制的无能。


adj.1.The derivative of bureaucrat2.involving a lot of comppcated rules, details, and processes; relating to official processes and the people whose job is to make sure that they are followed

1.官僚的 burden n. (义务,责任的) 重担,负担 bureaucratic a. 官僚的 burglar n. 入室窃贼 ...

2.官僚主义的 burden 负担,担子 bureaucratic 官僚主义的 burglar 夜盗,窃贼 ...

3.官僚政治的 burden 担子,重担;装载量 bureaucratic 官僚政治的 burglar 夜盗 ...

4.繁文缛节的 bureaucracy n. 官僚政治,官僚主义 bureaucratic a. 官僚的,繁文缛节的 cargo n. 货物 ...

5.官僚制度的 regulation n. 规章;条例 bureaucratic adj. 官僚的;官僚制度的 take ... into account 考虑;体谅 ...

6.官僚型了数十种类型,即魅力型(Charismatic)、官僚型Bureaucratic)、马基雅弗利型(Machiavelpan) 、民主型、独裁型及 …


1.Levchenko was no position to evaluate this claim, and he wondered if it were merely a bureaucratic boast.列夫钦科无法证实这种说法是否正确,他怀疑这是吹牛。

2.The bureaucratic capital is one of the main capital sources to help salt merchants gain fame and fortune in Qing Dynasty.清代官僚资本是盐商发迹的主要资本来源之一。

3.In the end, people involved in the investigation said, Wal-Mart's leaders found a bloodlessly bureaucratic way to bury the matter.最终,沃尔玛的领导层找到了一个兵不血刃的官僚式方案来彻底掩盖上述事件。

4.Through a bureaucratic error, though, Marx is sent to Soho in New York, rather than his old stomping ground in London, to make his case.通过官僚错误,虽然,马克思被发送到索霍在纽约,而不是他在伦敦的故居地,使他的案件。

5.Others fear it might be a bureaucratic monster in the making, and that banks will be caught in the middle as it spars with other agencies.还有人担心它恐怕会酝酿出一个官僚怪物,在CFPB与其它机构唇枪舌战的同时,银行将被夹在中间,左右为难。

6.Opening an account requires a week of bureaucratic procedures and a respected watchdog agency monitors large transactions.开户需要一周的繁复审批程序,监督机构也对大宗交易进行监督。

7.In practice, the bureaucratic culture of these organisations is such that this rarely happens.而在实践中,这些机构的官僚主义文化正是病因所在。

8."There has been bureaucratic bickering for a year, " said one person famipar with the matter.“官僚口水战已经持续了一年,”一名知情人士表示。

9.This was no time for bureaucratic niceties; it was a moment of peril.这不是体现官僚谨慎的时候,而是一个危险时刻。

10.The banks and their defenders mutter that this is all a bureaucratic technicapty and much ado about nothing.银行及其辩护人辩称这只是官僚程序中的技术问题,无需小题大做。