




1.你现在感觉这么样 护士:你现在感觉这么样? Nurse:How are you now? abortion n. 堕胎 ...

2.你现在过得怎样 How are you now? 你现在过得怎样? How come you never visit me any more? 你究竟为什么总不来看我呢…

3.过得好不好 ... 4ever 精选- 继续 How are you now 过得好不好 看到你出现就安心了不少 Repeat all once 当一切 ...


1.How are you now? This writing is from someone you may not know forever, but also the one who will accompany with you evermore.现在写下这些的,是一个你也许永远多不会认得,但是却会一直陪伴你的人。

2.You were sick before coming to Thailand. How are you now?听说你来泰国前生病了,现在怎么样了?

3.'Mrs Chick, ' said a very bland female voice outside, 'how are you now, my dear friend?“奇克夫人,”门外一个很温柔的女性的声音说道,“您好吗,我亲爱的朋友?”

4.Hey, I heard you had an operation. How are you now?我听说你做了个手术。你现在怎么样了?

5.My dear, I miss you so much! How are you now?我亲爱的,我是多么思念你啊!你现在身体怎么样?

6.Jack: Hi, Rose, I haven't seen you for ages, how are you now?杰克:露丝,我好长时间没见你了,你还好吗?

7.Nearly always remembered before the desk, they do not know, how are you now.近总是想起以前的同桌们,不知道,他们现在还好吗。

8.Doctor: How are you now?医生:你现在感觉好点吗?

9.Nurse: How are you now?护士:你现在感觉这么样?

10.How are you now, Rex?你现在怎样雷克斯