


美式发音: [ˌʌn'red] 英式发音: [ˌʌn'red]





1.未读的;未阅的that has not been read

a pile of unread newspapers一摞未看的报纸


adj.1.not read, especially by a usual or intended reader2.having read very pttle and consequently lacking knowledge acquired from reading3.not acquainted with a particular subject through reading

1.未读,下表是这些栏位的说明:  信件状态:「U」表示未读取Unread),「N」表示新邮件 (New),空白表示已读取,而 …

3.未读取信件 Unreachable 无法连接 Unread 未阅读 unreadable 无法读 ...

5.无知的 ... skimmer2. 撇沫器,网杓 unread1. 不学无术的,无知的 peruse1. 仔细阅读,细 …


7.搜索未读邮件 - in:inbox 在收件箱里搜索 - is:unread 搜索未读邮件 - cc: 抄送的邮件 ...

8.讯息标记为未读 ... 527 as_read: 讯息标记为已读 528 as_unread: 讯息标记为未读 538 message_sent: 讯息已寄出 ...


1.The first thing to notice is the unread count at the top of the screen, so users immediately know how much mail still needs to be read.首先要注意屏幕顶部的未读邮件数,这样用户就会立即知道还有多少邮件需要阅读。

2.With one cpck, you can choose to see a pst of only unread folders, or favorite folders, or recent folders.只要点击一下,你就可以选择查看一个未读的文件夹列表,或是“喜爱”和最近的文件夹列表。

3.The first section explores the four categories of unread books, into at least one of which Mr Bayard places every book he mentions.第一部分探讨了四类未读之书,巴亚德将他提到的每一本书都至少划入其中一类。

4.This can be useful in a discussion forum where users want to see which topics and responses are new and unread.这在讨论论坛中很有用,在那里,用户希望了解有哪些话题和回复是新的和未读的。

5.Then, it supposed to mark all unread emails as its previous states unread , but if it were read it should stay read.然后,它应该标记为未读其以前的状态所有未读邮件,但如果是读它应保持阅读。

6.The 'discarded unread' rate will be very low, and the attention span longer than a minute.“没读过就扔掉”的比率将会非常低,读者注意它的时间将会超过一分钟。

7.He would have every excuse for signing the thing unread, for he has many other matters on his mind.他会有充足的借口不读文件而直接签字,因为他还有许多其它事要想。

8.This action allows you to toggle between the display of only unread messages and the display of all messages.该操作允许在显示未读消息和显示所有消息之间进行切换。

9.The findings of an external auditor hired by the firm were "stuffed in a closet and left unread and unopened" .受雇的一名外部审计员的调查结果全被“塞在柜子里,无人问津”。

10.Searches that use the read or unread state of a message as a search condition also have a special performance impact.将邮件的已读或未读状态用作搜索条件的搜索也会对服务器的性能产生特殊的影响。