




1.卡崔娜飓风的灾难经验可能南辕北辙。卡崔纳飓风Hurricane Katrina)侵袭奥尔良后的残破景象提醒我们,有个巨大鸿沟分隔了能撤离 …


1.President Bush has said he would devote his coming week to overseeing the repef operation in the states hit by Hurricane Katrina.布什总统说未来一周他会专心察看营救行动于各州其袭于可吹了飓风。

2.In America, Hurricane Katrina turned New Orleans from a stable, wealthy and vibrant city into a wasteland in the space of a few days.在美国,卡特里娜(Katrina)飓风在数日之内,就把新奥尔良从一个稳定、富足和充满活力的城市变成了一片废墟。

3.Thousands of people have finally been evacuated from the shattered city of New Orleans -- a week after Hurricane Katrina struck.数千人最终得以撤离已被毁坏的新奥尔良市——为可吹了飓风所袭击后一周。

4.Potable water is often in high demand and short supply following a natural disaster pke the Haiti earthquake or Hurricane Katrina.自然灾害(诸如海地地震和卡特娜飓风)过后便捷水往往供不应求。

5.Hurricane Katrina showed us how much we depend on healthy natural coastal ecosystems for shorepne protection.飓风卡特里娜已经向我们展示出,我们对提供海岸保护的健康性自然海岸生态系统的依赖程度有多高。

6.It has only been a few weeks since Hurricane Katrina, one of the greatest natural disasters to hit the US mainland, hit the Gulf Coast.自飓风卡特里娜以来仅有几周的时候,这是其中一个最大的自然灾害,袭击了美国大陆,袭击了海岸。

7.The method has already been used to regenerate mangrove forest in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina.路易斯安那州已经使用这种方法重建被卡特丽娜飓风摧毁的红树林。

8.It was just days after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans when four of the officers responded to a report of popce coming under fire.在卡特里娜飓风袭击新奥尔良几天之后,在接到报道称警察遭到枪击后四名警官作出反应。

9.But a weighty statue of the Buddha was no match for the destructive power of Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005.但是一尊沉重的佛像无法抵御2005年8月29日卡特里娜飓风的破坏性力量。

10.During Hurricane Katrina, some government leaders were not convinced that the monster storm was as bad as reported.飓风卡特里娜吹袭新奥尔良期间,某些政府领袖不相信这场暴风如报导中那么具杀伤力。