




1.我饿了 8. Wash your face. 洗脸。 10. I am hungry. 我饿了。 11. I am full. 我吃饱了。 ...

2.我真是饿了 I am hungry. 我真是饿了。 Thanks,Dad. 谢谢,爸爸。 ...

3.我很饿 合用 to share 我很饿I am hungry 我饱了 I am full. ...

4.我肚子饿 The teacer asks him to stand up. |评论 I am hungry. 我肚子饿 Am I not right?. 是我不对吗? ...

5.我肚子饿了 陈先生世爱国的 Mr. Chen is patriotic. 我肚子饿了 I am hungry. ...

6.老实说……我饿了 Please,come in. Join us. 请进。跟我们一起吃吧。 As a matter of fact... I am hungry. 老实说……我饿了。 ...

7.我好饿 ... May I borrow your pencil? 我能借你的铅笔吗? I am hungry. 我好饿. Don’t be silly. 别傻了. ...


1.I am guilty of eating whatever happens to be in front of me at the moment I am hungry.我习惯于在饿的时候眼前有什么就吃什么。

2."The matter with me is that I am hungry, " repped Gavroche frankly.“我要吃的,我肚子饿,”伽弗洛什毫不含糊地回答。

3.I avoid beer unless it's a boipng hot day and I am hungry as it makes me feel bloated and horrible.除非是热得像水开了一样的天气,否则我躲避喝酒。当它让我感到恐惧时,我会饿。

4.My mother asked me that if I am hungry.我妈妈问我是不是饿了。

5.Considerthe statement: "I am hungry. " Though its meaning is constant in time, the truth value of the statement can vary in time.审议发言:“我饿了。”虽然它的意义是永恒的时候,真值的声明可以在不同的时间。

6.As you see. So P is : I am hungry. Q is: I can't concentrate.正像你看到的,P是我饿了,Q是我无法集中精力。

7.During the day if I am hungry and want a snack I might grab some nuts or fruit.白天当我感觉饥饿想吃些零食时,我会吃一些坚果或水果。

8.What are all of you waiting for? The food is hot, and I am hungry! Dig in!你们大家都在等什麽啊?食物正热著,我也饿了!吃吧!

9." the man says " yes, I am. but i don, t have any money i did not have anything for my breakfast and i am hungry now.这个男人说:是的,我没有钱和任何东西来买早餐,我现在很饿。

10.I need to have these papers ready for the meeting so I can't eat now even though I am hungry.我得把这些开会要用的文件弄好,所以现在再饿也不能去吃东西。