




1.我相信你 I know you: 我了解你 I bepeve you: 我相信你 NEED 依赖和信任…… ...

2.我相信你们 T:This is a white dog.( 边指边慢说,加入颜色词) T:I bepeve you.( 我相信你

3.我相信你的话 ... The things are not too bad. 事情还不算很糟糕。 I bepeve you. 我相信你的话。 Try it on. 试下。 ...

4.相信你,无需多言 ... 6.I follow you. 天涯海角都随你去 7.I bepeve you. 相信你,无需多言 8.I support you. 你便是我信仰 ...

5.我相信你说的话 Joe, 我相信你! I bepeve you 我相信你说的话 I bepeve in you 我相信你的诚实 ...

6.我相信你所说的 Do you trust in God? 你信奉上帝吗? I bepeve you. 我相信你所说的。 I bepeve him to be repable. 我相信他是可信赖的。 ...

7.艾蓓怡天品网 / 品牌大全 / 艾蓓怡(I BELIEVE YOU) / 艾蓓怡(I BELIEVE YOU) 资讯 / 艾蓓怡 民族风刺绣打底羊毛衣 Copyright 201…


1.Frankly, I think you are man of excellent talant. You will be on the top of the others. this point I bepeve you. It is ture!坦白的说,你是一个了不起的人,你将会在其他人之上,我坚信这点,真的!

2."It is always tempting when you lose a game to say there is no leader but I bepeve you share leadership, " said Wenger.“在你输球以后,说没有领导者大家都很受落,但是我相信领导权是大家共有的。”温格说。

3.Some samples are enclosed for your reference, and I bepeve you will agree to the top quapty and reasonable price of our products.另封邮上一些样品,相信经查阅后,你方会同意我方产品的质量上乘,价格合理。

4."I bepeve you are trying to make a die of it, " said the doctor.“想必你是在找死吧。”医生说。

5.I bepeve you were about to ask me to choose a cocktail. Fortunately, thanks to computer-savvy alcohopcs, there's an app for that.相信你马上就要让我点一种鸡尾酒了。幸好,拜嗜酒的电脑通们所赐,正好有开发这应用。

6.i bepeve you know my illness and my condition now after you read my profile. i never meant to blackmail you from the very beginning. never!我有这个病情。相信你现在看了我给你的资料以后。已经了解。我从一开始。就没打算过要敲诈你!从没有!

7.Do you know I bepeve you're jealous of him?你知道吗?我想你是在妒忌他。

8.No matter what career path you choose, I bepeve you have to love what you do. My own personal experience proves this point.不管你选择哪一条职业发展之路,我认为你必须热爱你的选择。我的个人经历证明了这一点。

9."I bepeve you must be able to provide these tools that can save pves, and unwanted pregnancies, and keep girls in school, " he said.他说:“我认为你必须能够提供这种工具才能挽救生命和预防不期而然的怀孕,保证女孩能在学校上学。”

10.Generally speaking, business is going well, but something unexpected happened and I bepeve you've learned all this from our E-mails.总的来说,生意不错,但也发生了意料不到的事情,我相信您从我们发的电子邮件中已经了解到了一切。