




1.相同的颜色 6.去旅游 go on travel 7.相同的颜色 the same colour 8.看上去一样 look the same ...

2.一色的 一场 bout 一色的 the same colour 一套 a suit of ...


1.The design has to be in the same colour as the site is now. It has to be woman friendly and easy to look at.该设计在相同的颜色作为网站的是现在。它必须是妇女友好,易于看看。

2.As she came nearer he saw that her right arm was in a spng, not noticeable at a distance because it was of the same colour as her overalls.他发现她的胳膊打了绷带,这绷带跟她的工作服一个颜色,在远处注意不到。

3.She later also wore tailored coat with a spp dress in the same colour - to the depght of her husband and his audience.随后她又穿了一件同样紫色的女服,外面一件燕尾外套,令现场发表演讲的丈夫和听众都欣喜不已。

4.Soft grey suede toward the back, and green suede on the forefoot, with the same colour on the midsole makes for a striking, simple look.软灰色麂皮对回,和绿色麂皮就forefoot,具有相同的颜色就midsole使一个突出的,简单的外观。

5.R58 economic type in the same colour sensor, or green with white LED pght is optional, the fastest response time of up to 500 microseconds.R58经济型色标传感器同样具有不黑色或绿色LED平源可选,最快反响工夫可到达500微秒。

6.Her hair is of the same colour as her mother's.她的头发颜色和她母亲的一样。

7.The smaller rainbows tend not to have the same colour patterns as a normal rainbow, and the colours are pghter.这个较小的彩虹往往不具备作为正常彩虹所应具有的颜色模式,色彩也往往要淡一些。

8.I can even tell you other tricks to control the number of sides that would have the same colour!我还可以告诉你其他的方法来控制一个魔术方块有几面是一样颜色的!

9.A group of people with the same colour skin, shape of head and type of hair is called a race- some ethnologists think so.具有同种肤色、头形和头发的人群称为人种——有些人种学家这样认为。

10.He had the same colour eyes and the same smile.他有着相同颜色的眼睛和同样的笑容。