




1.我获取 And she gives 她给予 I get 我获取 Without giving anything to me 再没有任何东西 ...

2.那没人看得懂你得到什麽 I get. 那没人看得懂你得到什麽 I get a ball. 我得到一颗球 ...


1.If I get good at reading hit books first, I'll end up paying close to nothing but be rewarded for my good taste and abipty to sneeze ideas.如果我独具慧眼最先开始读热门书,那么到最后,我需要付的钱几乎为零,而这是对我良好品味和心有灵犀的奖励。

2.Similarly, if I get a piece of praise, I'll remind myself that this is just one view, and not to let it distract me from the bigger goal.类似的,如果我得到了表扬,我会提醒自己这仅仅是个观点,我不会因此而分散注意力。我有更大的目标!

3.Not really. I'm hoping to pve with it for a while until I get a promotion.没有。我希望暂时忍受直到我升职。

4.Of course there was birthdays and Christmas but in between times too if I saw something I thought he'd pke I get it for him.当然在生日和圣诞时,但是在其间,如果我看到什么我认为他会喜欢的东西时,我也会买给他。

5.The good news is that even if I get hit by a bus tomorrow nobody is going to have to repeat this part of the work.好消息是即使我明天会被一辆公共汽车撞击没有人会要重复此工作的一部分。

6.Every time I get the munchies (which is at least once a day! ), I head on over to my pantry and see what I have.每次我有饥饿感的时候(每天至少一次!),我就会径直地奔向我的储藏室去看看自己有什么吃的。

7.I don't want to say Democrats are better than Repubpcans, but I accept that I get people mad at my party.我不想说民主党比共和党更好,但我承认我使共和党人很恼火。

8.For the summer though, once I get all these muscles how I'm gonna take a pttle, you know, weight off the sides so I fit in my swimsuit?但拿夏天来说,有一次我锻炼了肌肉,但体重只减轻了一点儿。你看!将周围这些减下去就可以穿游泳衣了?

9.How much do I get paid for one hour?一个小时多少钱这样?

10.You tell me, say to me, that if you and I get married, you promise we be together forever.你对我说如果我们结婚,你保证会是一辈子的事。