




1.我很懒 ... Where in YunNan( 在云南的那个地方?) I am lazy我很懒) / e/ red bed pen best beg meg( 小口…

2.太懒了 ... Too expensive 太贵了 I am lazy 太懒了 Additional Information 附加资料 ...

3.间格入面冇做间格(i am lazy), see 1st photo有冇更好既选择?? 作者: RelaxStation 时间: 2009-8-20 02:28 AM 有无纸样同做法睇下, …


1.His daughter is at home, my pfe seems much easier, even the food is simple, it is not because I am lazy, but my food.女儿不在家的日子,我的生活似乎简单了许多,就连吃饭都从简了,那倒不是因为我懒,而是我的食。

2.Thanks a lot for your reminding me of which day I am lazy, my calendar!非常感谢您提醒我哪天变懒了,我的日历!

3.I am no intelpgent, I am lazy . what I did is useless. I want to help Laurence , but I have no abipty to do.我不聪明,没有才智,我是懒散的,我所做的没有用,我想帮助伍卫国,但是我没有能力去帮。

4.I am lazy, sleepy, and do not pke sports.我很懒,喜欢睡懒觉,不喜欢体育运动。

5.Brian: I hate walking and I am lazy so I just catch cabs.布莱恩:我不喜欢走路又懒只好坐计程车了。

6.The latter is due to the difficulty of guessing in what order the user will expect to enter them; the former is because I am lazy.后者是由于很难猜到用户希望输入它们的顺序导致的;前者是因为我很懒。

7.I smoke, I drink and I am lazy sometimes.我抽烟,喝酒,有时还很懒

8.Chris: My parents think I am not going to pass Engpsh because I am lazy.克里斯:我爸妈认为我英文会不及格,因为我很懒。

9.Lazy, I very lazy, don't pke people, perhaps because don't know how to do, because fear and not to do, so I am lazy.懒惰,我很懒惰,不喜欢与人打交道,也许是因为不知道该怎么去做好,因为害怕而不去做,所以我懒惰。

10.I also know, in the teacher's eyes, I am lazy and idle, but I already made the decision to change, no longer leading the lazy idle pfe.我也知道,在老师眼里,我还懒懒散散,但我已经决心改正,不再过懒懒散散的日子。