




1.玛丽玫瑰 瑞典女王,( Queen of Sweden) 玛丽•罗斯Mary Rose) 宋夏( Summer Song ) ...

3.玛莉玫瑰 派特.奥斯汀 Pat Austin ™ 玛莉玫瑰 Mary Rose ® 亚伯拉罕.达比 Abraham Darby ® ...

4.玛丽罗斯号ory )、战士号( HMS Warrior )、玛莉玫瑰号 ( Mary Rose ),Harbour tour ( 免费游轮逛普兹茅斯基地,可以看见所有的军舰及 …

7.玛丽露丝1967-1971年间,英国王储查尔斯还主持了都铎王朝战舰“玛丽露丝” (Mary Rose)号的打捞。70年代后期以来,水下考古学有 …


1.Sister Mary Rose is the principal, and she bepeves this: No child would be turned away from her school's front door.姐妹玛丽·罗斯是校长,并且她相信此:孩子不会从她的学校的前门被驱逐。

2.The Mary Rose settled deep into the silty bed of the Solent, which preserved thousands of artefacts in excellent condition.由于玛丽玫瑰号沉入了索伦特海峡满是淤泥海床里,所以才能够将数以千计的文物保护的这么好。

3.Mary rose with the lark and was out of the house before we could even ask her where she was going.玛丽一大清早就起了床,我们还来不及问他要去哪儿,她就已经出了家门。

4.The Mary Rose Trust and our school are working together to have an exhibition at our school .“玛丽罗思信任”号船与我们学校将联手在我们学校举办一场展览。

5.At the same time, "Mary" rose dramatically in popularity, as a given name for baby girls in sixteenth-century England.同时,“玛丽”的玫瑰经被戏剧性地引入公众,在十六世纪的英国成了女婴的教名。

6.And Mary rose up in those days and went to the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah,在那些日子,马利亚起身,急忙往山地里去,来到犹大的一座城,