




1.我拥有你 I wait you 我等你 I have you 我拥有你 I rely on you 我依赖你 ...

2.我有你 I hate you. 我恨你。 I have you. 我有你。 I hear you. 我听见你(说什么)。 ...

3.有了你 Unforeseen,only can meet( 不可预见 只可遇见) I Have You( 有了你) Sense( 感应) ...

4.我有你啊 ... Should make for an interesting column. 这下你的专栏又有主题可写了。 I have you. 我有你啊。 ...

5.什么意思 ... only you 只有您 i have you 什么意思 only you 只有您粤语 ...


1.I have you! If you hate me, shoot me with an arrow, but please not on the heart, because that's were you are.我拥有你!如果你恨我,请用箭射我,但是请不要射到我的心,因为有你在那里!

2.Something important. " I got excited for about a half a second before he said, " Can I have you're friend Hannah's number?我的小心肝狂跳了大约半秒钟之后他说:可不可以把你朋友汉娜的电话号码给我?

3.When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything.当你到了我这个年龄并像我当了这么长时间的修女,你有机会去观看和倾听任何事。

4.Although my family let me painful, but I have you know I was actually lucky.虽然我的家庭让我痛苦不堪,但是我有了你才知道其实我是幸运的·。

5.If you've sat through a lot of meetings, pke I have, you know they're almost always useless.如果你有很多次挨到会议结束,像我曾经那样,你会发现它们几乎都是没什么用的。

6.And what I have--you're not the only party interested.还有我所知道的事你不是唯一一个感兴趣的人

7.So they come in with the two perspectives I have. You know?所以我有他们的两个不同的观点,你知道?

8.Agrael You know, Biara, I'm glad I have you as an ally rather than an enemy.阿格雷尔你知道吗,拜娅拉,我很高兴有你这样的盟友而不是敌人。

9.I have you as my friends. What do you think of me as your friend?我把你们当作朋友。作为你的朋友,你怎样看待我的?

10.But I have nothing to fear while I have you to protect me.既然有你来保护我我就什么都不必怕了。