


美式发音: ['krɒpˌlænd] 英式发音: ['krɒplænd]





n.1.agricultural land that is suitable or used for growing crops

1.农田 农事【 farm work】 农田【 farmland;cropland】 农田水利【 irrigation and water conservancy】 ...

2.耕地 woodland 林地(人工种植) Cropland 耕地 snowfield 雪原 ...

3.庄稼地 庄稼〖 crops〗 庄稼地cropland〗 庄稼汉〖 peasant〗 ...

4.田地 树林: woods;grove 田地: field;farmland;cropland 洞: hole;cavity;cave ...

5.耕种地 Fishing Quay 捕鱼码头 Cropland 耕种地 Humid 湿润的 ...

6.桃花山农田 桃花山农舍 farmhouse 桃花山农田 cropland 桃花山小径 alley ...

7.作物地 crop out 地>露头;出露地表 cropland 耕地,作物地 bar cropper 钢筋截断机 ...


1.Current, court of people of blessing cropland division is jurisdictional to Baidu demur is to deny hold water to had not made a rupng.目前,福田区人民法院对百度管辖权异议是否成立还没有作出裁定。

2.Mostly mountainous region of Guizhou plateau, known as the "eight hill one water a minute of cropland" say.贵州高原山地居多,素有“八山一水一分田”之说。八山一水一分田,旖旎风光在贵州

3.Among the landscape types, cropland had the greatest change in its proportion.在景观类型面积比例的变化中,耕地的变幅最大。

4.The author passes survey, " two cropland are made " pertinent question talks about bit of view.笔者经过调研,就“两田制”的相关问题谈点看法。

5.And cropland is often the loser.受损的往往是农田。

6.On the surface, of course, trying that system with no-tillage cropland resulted in equally beneficial results.当然也是表施,在草地上施石灰也会取得和免耕制下施石灰同样良好的效果。

7.The patch density of bogs (reservoirs) and green belts is greater than that of the others, and that of cropland landscape is the least.泡沼(水库)和片林斑块密度远大于其它类型的斑块密度,农田景观的斑块密度最小;

8.They suggest that if the subsidies were to end, new forest could be converted back into cropland and natural forest logged again.他们认为,如果那些津贴不到位,新的森林就会又变为农田,砍伐天然林又会出现。

9.During the stud period, cropland and construction land had an increased area, while other land use types in were in adverse.研究期间耕地和建设用地面积有所增加,其他土地利用类型面积有不同程度的减少。

10.It was defined that the Panax ginseng cultivation in cropland was the chief approach, and in woodland was the major approach.林下护育山参是人参种植业发展的主要途径;