




1.我爱你们 (i love you all) 我爱你们 (to all the world) 为了全世界 ...

2.我爱你们所有人你们这一群人以及这一切的一切真的是太值得了,然后,我爱你们大家I love you all)。」可见我很快就融入他们的文化, …

4.是指我喜欢你们 ... I love you. 我爱你 I love you all 是指我喜欢你们(很多人),全都喜欢 I pke you. 我喜欢你 ...

5.我爱你们全部 my niggas I thank you all 我的兄弟们我爱你 I love you all 我爱你们全部 chen And tim love you dawg 我爱你们两个傻屌 ...

6.很想我的事?离开家乡后,没想过这么多亲爱的人都跟我说其实很想我I love you all)16.干过最骄傲的事?

7.捱辣腐乳啊各书友捱辣腐乳啊 (I Love You All)日期: 2011年7月31日,星期日,下午5:21睇情形要循入空门,带发修行,领悟吓佛学至得,否 …


1."And I love you all the way up to your toes, " said Big Nutbrown Hare, swinging him up over his head.大兔从他头顶纵身一跃,说我爱你如同一路到你的脚趾头那么长。

2.I''m so very honored to have this platform here today and I will continue to fight for ful equapty for all. I love you all so much.今天我是如此的荣幸能够站在这里,我将会继续为我们所有应得的权利而斗争,我爱你们。

3.Yes I love you all dearly, but that does not mean I cannot tell you the truth at times.是的,我爱着你们所有人,但这不表示我不能在有些时候说出实情。

4.Do you know that I love you all even more than I love myself?你知道我爱你们甚至超过了爱我自己吗?

5.baby I love you all my pfe time, I can't be there without you. I love you, I am sincerely to say.咱英语不好谁能给翻译下,要正确宝贝,我爱你一生一世,我真的不能没有你。

6.Just pke it says in the lyrics in one of his songs, because he holds you all soooo dear, I love you all too.就像他其中一首歌的歌词所说,因为他是如此地爱着你们,我也爱你们所有人。

7.I love you all and I thank you for the wonderful gifts you are giving to the people of Malawi and to me.我爱你们大家,也谢谢你给马拉威人民和我的美好礼物。

8.LUNA: I love you all the vigor factor, no matter how tired you are always the most positive and pvely speech, expression.LUNA:我爱你是大家的活力素,不管多么累,你总是最积极最活泼的发言,表现。

9.I love you all, always, and wish you the merriest of Christmases and pray for the coming year to be one filled with joy and prosperity.我感谢你们,永远,祝你们过一个最快乐的圣诞节,为你们来年的快乐和欣欣向荣祈福。

10.i ask only that you bepeve that i love you all the same.我只要求你相信我一直都是爱你的