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1.穆萨 文化色香味 Salt 慕沙进城去 Moussa 小移民初体验 Fatimata In Canada ...

4.摩萨摩萨Moussa)等人做了在生物体腹腔内注射大剂量C科拉森加(Kolosnjaj)于2007年写了篇复杂且详尽的关于富勒烯的毒性 …


1.The Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa has arrived in London unexpectedly and is having talks with British officials.利比亚外长MoussaKoussa出人意料地抵达伦敦,并正与英国官员进行谈话。

2.Secretary General Moussa said he would be going to Beirut in the next few days for talks on the proposal.穆萨说,他将在未来几天前往贝鲁特讨论这份建议书。

3.Chavez proposed peace plan for the Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa said the initiative "under study. " U. S.针对查韦斯提出的和平计划,阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨表示,这一倡议“正在研究之中”。

4.Its spokesman, Capt Moussa Camara, wearing a red beret, said the junta wanted to "save a people in distress" .头戴红色贝雷帽的发言人卡马拉上尉(CaptMoussaCamara)表示,该集团希望“拯救人民于危难之中”。

5.Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim, told The Wall Street Journal Mr. Koussa 'was on a diplomatic mission. '利比亚政府发言人易卜拉欣(MoussaIbrahim)对《华尔街日报》说,库萨“正在执行外交使命”。

6.The Arab League's secretary-general, Amr Moussa, has edged back from his initial endorsement of the no-fly zone.阿拉伯联盟秘书长阿姆鲁•穆萨(AmrMoussa)最初支持禁飞区,现在已经反悔。

7.Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa said the league's proposal to end the standoff is based on three points.阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨说,阿拉伯联盟结束黎巴嫩僵局的建议是以三点为基础的。

8.Moussa Ibrahim said in a phone call to the AP that the longtime dictator was in Libya and his morale was high.在与美联社通电话时,易卜拉欣说这位长期独裁者身在利比亚并且士气高昂。

9.Like in a spy film, a UK ambassador's rep and myself waited for Moussa at the Hilton until intelpgence brought him back at around midnight.就像是谍战电影,英国使馆代表和我在希尔顿酒店等穆沙,他在物业才被情报机关人员带回。

10.Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim hailed the talks as an important step in "repairing relations" with the US.利比亚政府发言人MoussaIbrahim称赞本次会谈是与美国“修补关系”重要的一步。