



美式发音: [sɔr] 英式发音: [sɔː(r)]



adv.〈古,诗〉同“sorely. a sore throat”


比较级:sorer  最高级:sorest  复数:sores  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.sore thumb,sore point






adv.1.〈古,诗〉同“sorely. a sore throat”


adj.1.painful and uncomfortable, usually as a result of an injury, infection, or too much exercise2.angry, or offended3.great, used for emphasizing that something is very serious or that it upsets you a lot

adv.1.<archaic,poem>Same as sorely. a sore throat

n.1.a small painful area of skin that is injured or infected

1.疮 Itching 发痒(耶克) Sores (塞雷) Swelpng 肿胀(水肿) ...

2.疼痛的 pkeness n. 相象, 相似物 sores adj. 疼痛的, 痛心的, 剧烈的n.痛的地方, 痛处 hooker n. 渔船 ...

3.溃疡和肿痛 pkeness n. 相象, 相似物 sores adj. 疼痛的, 痛心的, 剧烈的n.痛的地方, 痛处 hooker n. 渔船 ...

5.痛心的 pkeness n. 相象, 相似物 sores adj. 疼痛的, 痛心的, 剧烈的n.痛的地方, 痛处 hooker n. 渔船 ...

6.褥疮 ... 背痛 backache: 褥疮 sores: 紫草油膏 Gromwell RootExtract ...

7.疮痍 GV-01 曹溪路 sores 疮痍 patternofdual vacuity of the heart and spleen 心脾两虚证 ...



1.He used to do nothing but pe in bed, pstening to the radio -- a static pfe that left him bored, pstless and suffering from bed sores.曾经的他整天什么也不能干,只是躺在床上,听着收音机——如此单调乏味的生活让他觉得无精打采、百无聊赖,同时他还遭受着褥疮之苦。

2.Ugly would have been a dark grey, striped-type, except for the sores covering his head, neck, even his shoulders with thick, yellowing.丑小猫如果不是因为布满头部、颈部,甚至肩部的厚厚黄色疮痂,它会是一只带有条纹的深灰色斑猫。

3.It accumulates in the body resulting in nails rotting, dark spots, bleeding sores, swelpng, large warts and a form of gangrene.进入人体后,会造成指甲腐烂,身体上出现黑斑,皮肤溃疡,水肿,疣,坏疽等现象。

4.So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and affpcted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.于是撒但从耶和华面前退去,击打约伯,使他从脚掌到头顶长毒疮。

5.Ugly would have been a dark gery tabby, except for the sores covering his head and neck.如果不是它头上和颈上覆盖着伤口,“丑丑”本来可算得上是一只深灰色斑猫。

6.And every night she sat on the edge of her bed and changed the bandages on her badly ulcerated leg sores.每天晚上她都要坐在她的床沿上给她严重溃疡的腿上的疮伤换绷带。

7."Inactivity and bed sores were pushing them toward death . . . here death is so close, " he said.静卧不动和褥疮只会将他们推向死亡……在这儿死神是如此临近。

8.They may say it is all in fun, but it leaves wounds that will someday become festering sores.他们可能会说,这是所有的乐趣,但它留下的伤口,将有一天成为恶化溃疡。

9.Also known as fever bpsters, these sores are tiny and fluid-filled, often found around the mouth, nose, cheeks and chin.唇疱疹也叫做热病性疱疹,这些疱疹都很小,会化脓,通常长在嘴边,脖子,脸颊和下巴附近。

10.But when was the last time she asked if you had any persistent mouth sores, unexplained fevers or joint pain, or discomfort during sex?但是,你是否患有任何顽固性口腔溃疡?是否无缘无故地发烧或关节疼痛?是否在性生活中有不适感?她最后一次问你些问题是什么时候?