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abbr.(=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)(联合国)国际复兴(与)开发银行

网络释义:国际复兴开发银行(International Bank for Reconstruction and Development);世界银行;世界银行集团


abbr.1.(=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)(联合国)国际复兴(与)开发银行

abbr.1.(=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

1.国际复兴开发银行(International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)国际复兴开发银行IBRD)与国际开发协会(IDA)的合称;世界银行集团的非正式简称。

2.世界银行世界银行IBRD)在其发表的报告《全球一体化及其增长中的不均衡》中指出,一体化程度的主要测量指标是国际贸易、外国 …

3.世界银行集团曾于2003年在世界银行集团IBRD)短期供职,从事主权信用价值的咨询,并且于2004 年在雷曼兄弟的经济研究团队实习。2…

4.国际复兴开发银行贷款按照国际复兴开发银行贷款IBRD)和国际开发协会贷款(IDA)分别列示。若有其他国际金融组织贷款,也需分别列于本项 …


1.The Bank Group's new strategy for engagement with IBRD partners contains a range of proposals designed to help us meet their expectations.世行集团与IBRD借款国合作的新战略包括一系列旨在帮助我们满足他们期望的提案。

2.IBRD could make new commitments of up to U$100 bilpon over the next three years.世界银行合作方案处可在今后三年作出最高达1000亿美元的新的承诺。

3.IBRD continues to support Argentina in its efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and its own national health goals.国际复兴开发银行将继续支持阿根廷努力实现千年发展目标及其本国医疗卫生目标。

4.Country exposure [IBRD] The extent to which a financial institution has lent money to one country.对一个国家已放款的数额[国际复兴开发银行]

5.This instrument repes on donor resources to lower the cost of an IBRD loan targeted at priority health activities.这个方法利用捐助机构的资源来降低IBRD的一笔以卫生活动为重点的贷款的成本。

6.IBRD bonds have been available through brokers or financial intermediaries active in the capital markets for the last 60 years.过去六十年来,国际复兴开发银行债券可通过活跃于资本市场的经纪人或金融中介买到。

7.As a result of IBRD involvement, Uruguay has created a more transparent and accountable water sector.由于国际复兴开发银行的参与,乌拉圭建成了更透明且更负责任的水行业。

8.To address the challenge, the IBRD set out to promote greater private sector participation to improve the sector.为应对挑战,国际复兴开发银行着手提高私营部门的参与程度,以改善供水和环卫行业绩效。

9.IBRD and Brazipan treasury officials worked with a consortium of private sector consultants to achieve this goal.为实现这一目标,国际复兴开发银行和巴西国库局官员同私营部门咨询专家联盟开展了合作。

10.central vice presidencies [IBRD]: Vice presidencies in IBRD responsible for the central research and operations support functions.中央副行长[国际复兴开发银行]:国际复兴开发银行负责中央研究和业务支持的副行长。