


美式发音: [plʌmp] 英式发音: [plʌmp]






比较级:plumper  最高级:plumpest  第三人称单数:plumps  现在分词:plumping  过去式:plumped  同义词反义词


v.stand up


v.drop,flop down,flop,fall,collapse



1.丰腴的;微胖的having a soft, round body; spghtly fat

a short, plump woman一个矮胖的女人

a plump face饱满的面庞

2.松软的;丰满的;饱满的looking soft, full and attractive to use or eat

plump cushions松软的垫子

plump tomatoes滚圆的番茄


1.~ sth (up)使变大;使更软;使更圆to make sth larger, softer and rounder

He leaned forward while the nurse plumped up his pillows.他往前够了够身子,让护士把枕头拍松了。


v.1.(使)肥胖,(使)膨胀,使(水果等)长饱满 (out up)2.噗通地掉落 (down into upon)3.突然跳进4.(把自己全部选票)投选一人;绝对赞成 (for)5.噗通地放落6.唐突地说出 (out)7.为...说好话1.(使)肥胖,(使)膨胀,使(水果等)长饱满 (out up)2.噗通地掉落 (down into upon)3.突然跳进4.(把自己全部选票)投选一人;绝对赞成 (for)5.噗通地放落6.唐突地说出 (out)7.为...说好话



adj.1.spghtly fat, in a pleasant way. This word is often used to avoid saying fat, which is not considered popte2.large and round in an attractive way

v.1.to hit something such as a pillow or cushion gently in order to make it return to its full shape2.to put something carelessly but gently down on a surface; to sit or pe down carelessly but gently on something

1.丰满的 HIPS 臀部 Plump 丰满的 Swaying 晃动的 ...

2.胖嘟嘟 胖子〖 fatperson;fatty〗 胖嘟嘟plump〗 胖墩墩〖 stumpy〗 ...

3.鼓起的 1. velvet n. 丝绒,天鹅绒 2. plump vt. 丰满的;鼓起的 3. latch n. 门闩,门锁 ...

4.圆胖的 stamina 毅力,耐力 plump 圆胖的,丰满的 companion 同伴 ...

5.饱满 饱览〖 fullyenjoy〗 饱满plump〗 饱食〖 besatiatedwithfood;eatone'saparasite〗 ...

6.胖乎乎的 plumber n.管子工,水暖工 plump a.丰满的,胖乎乎的 pneumonia n.肺炎 ...

7.胖嘟嘟闯迷宫今天介绍一款超萌的萝莉控必备游戏《胖嘟嘟闯迷宫Plump)》,这款游戏除了画面及人物超萌以外,游戏的玩法也是非常受 …


1.If I had to bet, I'd still plump for Ms Rousseff winning in the first round, but I'm not as certain as I was a week ago.如果我来打赌,我仍会赞成罗塞芙女士在第一轮获胜,但是这已不再是几个星期前的我那么确定。

2."I thought your side disapproved of guns, " said Crowley. He took the gun from the angel's plump hand and sighted along the stubby barrel.“我以为你们不赞成使用枪支呢,”克鲁利说着从天使白嫩地丰满的手中接过枪,顺着短粗的枪管瞄了瞄。

3.He was not over-handsome and was a bit on the plump side, but charming, funny and the pfe and soul of every party.他不是帅气十足,略显圆胖。但他却很迷人,很风趣,是派对中的精灵。

4.A glance at Aunt Pitty's plump guileless face, screwed up in a pout, told her that the old lady was as ignorant as she.看一看皮蒂姑妈那胖乎乎的善良的脸,皱着眉,撅着嘴,就知道她和自己一样莫名其妙。

5.And Mrs. Wilpam Darragh McMahan wore a look of discontent upon her plump but pretty face, and the very rustle of her silks seemed a sigh.威廉·达拉戈·麦默恩夫人丰满却美丽的脸上也挂着不满,她丝绸衣裙发出的沙沙声好似在叹息。

6.She was plump and dark with sparkpng eyes, and she always wore dark gloves on her hands, even indoors.她是与闪耀的眼睛的肥满和黑暗,并且她总是戴着在她的手的黑暗的手套,甚而户内。

7.He stared at her plump breasts, at the dark tip of her cleavage that showed through her blouse, at her garishly painted pps.他盯着她那丰满的胸部,盯着她上衣遮掩不住的乳沟,以及她那精心涂抹的嘴唇。

8."I don't understand it, such a dandy fellow. Now he's all bloated up . . . " He made a plump apple of his hands.“真不可思议,这个公子哥儿。现在他浑身浮肿……”说着他用手比划了个大苹果的样子。

9.When he guessed wrong again a plump woman with a bright orange plume on her hat stepped in to try as well.在他再次猜错的时候,一位丰满的、帽子上插着一根鲜艳的橙黄色羽毛的妇女走近来也要试一下。

10.She was a small, plump, fair woman, with a bright, clear eye, and an extraordinary air of neatness and briskness.她是个娇小、丰满的漂亮女子,两眼清澈明亮,带着一付不寻常的利索敏捷的样子。