


美式发音: [ʌn'saɪnd] 英式发音: ['ʌn'saɪnd]





adj.1.having no signature2.not having signed a contract to join a sports team as a player3.having no plus or minus sign, or having no digit in binary notation representing a positive or negative value

1.无符号 ) signed 有符号型(用于 ) unsigned 无符号型(用于 char、int、 long 型) ...

5.无符号数 ★ 符号数( signed) ★ 无符号数unsigned) 1.2 Opcode( 操作码) ...



1.The result of the unsigned right shift is always small enough to be stored in the signed version of the return type without overflow.无符号右移的结果始终很小,可以将它存储在有符号的返回类型版本中,而不会产生溢出。

2.However; that method would be unusable from a language that has no notion of unsigned integers.但是对于不具备「不带正负号的整数」概念的语言来说,这个方法就无法使用。

3.A third integer promotion rule that is often overlooked concerns expressions that contain both signed and unsigned integers.第三个整数提升规则,常常被忽视的关切表达同时包含有号数和无号数的整数。

4.What's the point in having a uint if you're only going to use it for things other than unsigned integers?如果你只是想对除了无符号整数的其它东西使用uint,要点是什么呢?

5.Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent.将数字的指定样式和区域性特定格式的字符串表示形式转换为其等效的16位无符号整数。

6.Hexadecimal constants without a suffix are defined as an unsigned int if it will fit into 32-bits and if the high order bit is turned on.如果一个没有后缀的16进制的常量是32位的,并且其高位被置位了,那么它就可以作为无符号整型进行定义。

7.Converts the string representation of a number in a specified culture-specific format to its 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent.将指定区域性特定格式的数字的字符串表示形式转换为它的等效64位无符号整数。

8.Note that the pointer you used is declared an unsigned long long rather than just a pointer.注意所使用的指针被声明为unsignedlonglong而非指针。

9.Instructs the compiler to add the pubpc key but to leave the assembly unsigned.指示编译器添加公钥,但将此程序集保留为未签名状态。

10.Note that unsigned apppcations or apppcations signed using a debug private key cannot be distributed through the Android Market.注意,未签名的或者使用调试私有密钥签名的应用程序不能够通过AndroidMarket发布。