


英文单词:信息生命周期管理(Information Lifecycle Management);魔;光魔(Industrial Light and Magic)


1.信息生命周期管理(Information Lifecycle Management)ChinaUnix网址被屏蔽存储文档中心 还记得关于信息生命周期管理(ILM)的宣传广告是什么说的吗? 在不久之前,你可能还会在关于存储 …

2.魔列表 (GAL) 同步部署了 Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM),则创建启用邮件的用户的推荐方法是,使用 ILM 2007 Fe…


1.Then, we were asked to help ILM, who were obviously the huge house on this show, to get some of the work done.然后,我们被要求帮助ILM,显然他们是这个电影的主要工作者,做一些工作。

2.The ILM crew nicknamed the creature "bad kitty, " and she was realized as a computer-generated creation.工业光魔工作人员给这种生物起了个昵称叫“坏猫咪”。她是由计算机生成的。

3.INTERVENTION: All patients underwent 3-port vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane (ILM) stripping by one of the authors.干预:所有患者均由我们作者中的一位实施了三切口玻璃体切割术和内界膜剥离。

4.Commissioned by Zehir from the mysterious and powerful Djinns , Ilm-Hijra is the sole town of the Silver Cities able to fly.伊玛-海吉拉由泽希尔委托神秘而强大的灯神制作,是银色城邦唯一能飞的城镇。

5.The company behind these changes is Lucas's Industrial Light&Magic(ILM).那个引导这些转变的公司就是卢卡斯特效公司“工业光魔”。

6.And John Knoll, visual effects supervisor on the third Pirates of the Caribbean, figures half of his team members were new to ILM.JohnKnoll,在加勒比海盗3中的视觉效果总监,所期待的小组成员中的一半都是ILM的新人。

7.The appropriate starting site for removal of posterior cortex and ILM should be the site without inner layer retinoschisis.合理剥除后皮质与内界膜起始点,应在未发生内层劈裂处。

8.One of the objectives of ILM is to use cost efficient IT infrastructure based on business value of information.ILM的目标之一就是根据信息的业务价值使用经济合理的IT基础架构。

9.In subsequent sections, we discuss how these commands are used for ILM.在以下章节中,我们将讨论如何对ILM使用这些命令。

10.The ILM animators studied skydivers performing in a vertical wind tunnel to create Iron Man's aerial movements.为了创造出铁人在空中的动作,工业光魔的动画制作人员研究了跳伞运动员在垂直通风管道中的姿势。