




1.拍电影 sequel n. 续集 shoot a film: 拍电影 show business: 演艺业 ...

2.拍摄一个镜头 ... 392 share with 与┄分享; 393 shoot a film 拍摄一个镜头 394 side with 站在┄一边,支 …

3.拍摄电影 show a film; 放映电影 shoot a film; 拍摄电影 Cinema Scope; 变形镜头式宽银幕电影 ...

4.拍摄一部电影 ... 50.sell admission tickets 卖入场券 51.shoot a film 拍摄一部电影 52.express oneself in Engpsh 用英语表达自己 ...

5.摄制影片 128、Set Designer 布景设计 130、Shoot a film 摄制影片 131、shooting 摄 …


1.Allen, whose latest film "Whatever Works" comes out on French screens next month, plans to shoot a film in Paris next year, RTL said.RTL报导称,伍迪・艾伦计划于明年在巴黎拍摄一部电影。他的最新电影《管用就好》(WhateverWorks)将于下月在法国上映。

2.It takes us two years to catch up, to write a script and shoot a film.电影人需要花上两年,跟进事件,写一个剧本,拍出电影。

3.Well , we are trying to shoot a film here !我听说他要投资拍电影,这太不切实际了。

4.A: Well, we are trying to shoot a film here!唉,我们在拍电影呢!

5.These incentives have become a huge factor in choosing where to shoot a film.这些激励措施也成为现在电影拍摄选址的一大决定因素。

6.shoot a film on location拍电影外景