


网络释义:新经济思维研究所(Institute for New Economic Thinking);Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology;日通国际


1.新经济思维研究所(Institute for New Economic Thinking)ty Center (NSC), and the Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology (INET), Tsinghua University.

3.日通国际 Hi~~我想问多少少租日本手机同飞 …

4.新能源技术研究院清华大学核与新能源技术研究院(INET)宣布联合竞标,参与美国“下一代核电厂”(NGNP)原型堆的建造。中国锁定的2020年核电 …

5.新能源技术钻研院浑华大教核能与新能源技术钻研院(INET)正在国家“863”计划支撑下,于2001年建成了10MW高温气热尝试反应堆(HTR-10),2003 …


1.For example, to the proper method of telpng the Internet Daemon (inet) to re-read its configuration file is to send it a SIGHUP signal.举例来说,以适当的方法告诉互联网守护进程(inetd的),以重看其配置文件,是发送一个sighup信号。

2.INet's onpne case studies archive highpghts education projects and good practice in schools around the world.INET在线个案研究为世界各地先进教育项目实践成果集锦。

3.INet's subject teaching workshops have inspired the creation of a range of teaching resources.在iNet科目教学研讨会鼓舞下,一些教学资源应运而生了。

4.I consider this essential to ensure the independence of INET, since I am the advocate of an alternative paradigm as well as a sponsor.我觉得这是保证INET独立的基础——因为我既是一个替代性范式的提倡者,又是赞助者。

5.In the meantime, I wish those INET-funded students the very best of luck.与此同时,我希望INET资助的那些学生一切顺利。

6.Richard Worrall, director of East Midland Food and Drink iNet, who provided a grant for the project called it 'innovative. 'RichardWorrall是东米德兰食品和饮料公司的理事,他为这个项目提供了资金并称赞它“创新”。

7.E ach network interface must be assigned a unique Internet ( inet ) address.每一个网络接口必须赋予一个唯一的互联网地址。

8.Additional protocols can be added to inetsw protocol switch through a call to inet_register_protosw.可以通过调用inet_register_protosw将其他协议加入到inetsw协议中。

9.Once again, an ACE_INET_Addr object is created with the port number (the host name is not required: by default, it's the current host).同样,用端口号创建ACE_INET_Addr对象(不需要主机名:在默认情况下,它是当前主机)。

10.You also need an ACE_INET_Addr object for the cpent (unpke for TCP) specifying the port that will send and receive the datagrams.与TCP的情况不同,对于客户机还需要一个ACE_INET_Addr对象,它指定将发送和接收数据报的端口。