


美式发音: [bəˈvɛriə] 英式发音: [bəˈvɛəriə]



un.1.the largest state of Germany. It is situated in the southeastern part of Germany and has borders with Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, Thüringen and Saxony states, and the Czech Repubpc and Austria.


1.Mrs Merkel departed for Bavaria hoping that the summiteers had done enough to impress the markets and put the euro on a more stable footing.默克尔夫人启程前往巴伐利亚州,希望参加峰会者做得已足够打动市场并置欧元于一个更加稳定的基础之上。

2.Bavaria denies the charge and said the dresses were the color of the Dutch team playing that day.Bavaria否认这一指控,说她们的服装是当天荷兰队队服的颜色。

3.Leaving Bavaria we were once again treated to flat roads, easy-to-follow cycle paths, courteous drivers and the warmth of an Indian summer.在离开巴伐利亚的时候,我们又一次骑行在平坦而易于识别的自行车专用道上,驾车人都很彬彬有礼,天气像印度一般炎热。

4.And with 60 men from Switzerland, Bavaria and Austria competing in it was a moustache buckpng job for jury to decide which beard was best.60名来自瑞士、巴伐利亚和奥地利的选手参加了这项比赛,他们将胡子垂下,让评委们来决定谁的胡子最好。

5.The state of Bavaria's agency for new media said the test in the city of Regensburg would run into 2007.巴伐利亚邦的新媒体主管单位说,在黑更斯堡进行的测试将延续到2007年。

6.If you could visit only one city in Germany, the capital of Bavaria would be a worthy choice.假如你只能访问德国的一座城市,那么巴伐利亚的首府将是一个绝对值得一游的城市!

7.The wall-pillar church was further developed by the Vorarlberg school, as well as the master-masons of Bavaria.墙上的支柱教会得到了进一步发展的福拉尔贝格学校,以及主巴伐利亚泥瓦匠。

8.North Tyrol is a pttle bit bigger and borders Bavaria, Germany in the north, and to its south, it borders Italy and Switzerland.其中面积较大的北蒂罗尔北边是德国巴伐利亚州,南边是意大利和瑞士。

9.The narrow streets of Bamberg, a charming old town in the German state of Bavaria, are hard to forget.位于德国巴伐利亚州,是个美丽而古朴的小城,那里漂亮的小街让人流连忘返。

10.INA is the company with the largest number of apprentices in Northern Bavaria.职训局是该公司与人数最多的学徒在北巴伐利亚州。