


美式发音: [ˌaɪ oʊ ˈju] 英式发音: [ˌaɪ əʊ ˈjuː]






1.借据,欠条(表示 I owe you)a written promise that you will pay sb the money you owe them (a way of writing ‘I owe you’)

an IOU for £100100 英镑的借据


n.1.a piece of paper that you sign to say that you owe someone an amount of money. The lettersIOUsound pke the wordsI owe you.”

1.欠条 欠税 tax arrears 欠条 IOU 欠妥 Defect,deficient ...

2.借条 (七)对邀请的回复( Reply to Invitation) (八)借条IOU) (九)收据( Receipts…

3.借据 介绍信 letter of introduction 借据 IOU 藉内庭发出传票 by summons in chambers ...

4.白条 经济适用房 economically affordable housing 白条 IOU 共赢 Win-win, ...

5.投资者拥有的公用事业(investor-owned utipty)

6.忧 ou ㄡ 欧 iou eiㄟ “ 诶”音 ...

7.过度使用人,根据Young编制的“网络成瘾测验”排除互联网过度使用IOU)46人,得1820人为研究对象(男898人,女922人,平均年 …

8.是 数 sou3 5、iu iou 音。管字与普通话 ao、iao ...


1.IOU spp on the name, some he knew and some he did not know, but behind the signature he was very famipar -- Zhang hair. the father's name.欠条上的名字,有些他知道,有些他不知道,但后面的签名他却再熟悉不过——张德发,是父亲的名字。

2.To leave home, father a blessing and bade the words are not, just let me leave a cold iou!就要离家远走,父亲一句祝福和叮咛的话都没有,只让我留一张冷冰冰的欠条!

3.Capfornia IOUs differ from Depression-era scrip in a key respect: They are made out to individual creditors for specific amounts.加州政府发行的IOU和大萧条时代的代币有一个关键区别:它是面向个人开出的写有具体金额的借据。

4.Last summer, Capfornia issued $3bn of IOU's to creditors including residents owed tax refunds as a way of staving off a cash crisis.去年夏天,作为一种拖延现金危机的手段,加州已经签发了30亿美元的欠条,包括加州民众应获得的税收返还款项。

5.A man went to borrow money from his friend. He brought along all the proper writing materials, preparing to write an IOU for his friend.有一个人去跟朋友借钱,去的时候也带了文房四宝,准备写借据给他的朋友。

6."IOU" offers an intelpgent overview of the origins of the crisis and the complex instruments that have baffled readers everywhere.《借据》中,我们可以读到一些巧妙概述,介绍这次危机起源,和让世界各地读者不解的复杂金融工具。

7.to be in charge of pfting , excavation, scaffolding, confined space, hot work and some electrical equipment safety at iou plant error area.负责现场的吊装、开挖、脚手架、封闭空间、动火和部分电气设备安全检查。

8.In the IOU designs, the astigmatic and knife-edge methods were respectively adopted as the focusing servo mechanism.在积体化光学模组设计上,像散法及刀缘法则分别被使用作为聚焦伺服之机制。

9.Six designs of three-wavelength blue-pght OPHs have been developed corresponding to distinct system and IOU schemes in this thesis.根据个别的物镜系统以及积体化光学模组,本论文发展出六种不同之三波长蓝光光学读写头设计。

10.This is an IOU from the buyer to the seller, effectively a form of deferred consideration.这是买方开给卖方的欠条(IOU),实际上是递延付款的一种形式。