


美式发音: [ˌaɪ pi ˈɑr] 英式发音: [ˌaɪ piː ˈɑː(r)]

abbr.(=intellectual property rights)知识库权

网络释义:知识产权(intellectual property rights);智慧财产权;知识产权保护


abbr.1.(=intellectual property rights)知识库权,智慧库权

abbr.1.(=intellectual property rights)

n.1.Intellectual Property Rights: someones rights relating to ideas, products, and work that they created and that can be protected by a copyright, patent, or trademark

1.知识产权(intellectual property rights)PR)往往被视为单纯的科技及经济法之一种,而传统的智慧财产权IPR)的理论基础却多从经济社会的层面进行探讨,甚少 …

3.知识产权保护知识产权保护IPR)是市场缺陷与权力结构塑造不平等程序与结果的另一个领域;少数有势力的作者通过价格将自身施加于公 …

4.保护知识产权由于在保护知识产权(IPR)方面长期存在的问题,外国汽车制造商们也尽其所能地保护着自己的知识产权,同时等待着中国的法 …

5.智慧财产权保护合作协议专题报告:海峡两岸智慧财产权保护合作协议(IPR)介绍主讲人:何灿成科长(经济部智慧财产局 国企组 ) 会议时间:99年10月2…

6.非法指针阅读(Invapd Pointer Read) Invapd Pointer Read(IPR): 非法指针阅读。 Null Pinter Read (NPR):空指针阅读。


1.Stratford said the report also identifies weak IPR enforcement as one of China's "greatest shortcomings as a trading partner. "斯特拉特福德说,特别301报告还将知识产权保护不力定为中国“作为贸易伙伴最严重的不足”之一。

2.The organizers have the right to refuse participation of any exhibitor found guilty of infringement of IPR and cancel his quapfication.如有侵权或假冒的展品,承办单位有权撤消该参展商的展品并停止其展出。

3.Increasingly, they have at least as much to lose from IPR violations as their American counterparts.从知识产权侵犯中,他们正越来越遭受至少与他们的美国同行同样多的损失。

4.In the circumstance of strengthening protection, the IPR tends to become into a tool of the developed states.在全球加强知识产权保护的情况下,知识产权变成发达国家限制和掠夺发展中国家的工具。

5.The number of criminal and civil IPR cases "is increasing significantly, " especially for copyright-related disputes, he said.他说,侵犯知识产权刑事案和民事案的数量在“显著上升”,特别是同版权有关的争端。

6.All the content of the design product shall be created by the design unit originally, and shall not infringe the IPR of any third party.设计成果中的所有内容均由参与设计单位原创,不得包含任何侵犯第三者知识产权的材料。

7.The Investigation Departments of every office directly report to the IPR Protection Department.同时,各个办事处的调查部门直接向保护部门汇报。

8.Fourthly , we have continued to intensify exchanges and communication with relevant countries in IPR.继续加强了与有关国家在知识产权方面的交流与沟通。

9.The case of the top grid rupng underpnes the court to increase IPR judicial protection, there are educational.本案的顶格判决,彰显了人民法院加大知识产权司法保护力度,有教育意义。

10.The United States is not yet satisfied with China's protection and enforcement of IPR, she said.施瓦布说,中国保护知识产权的工作及相关的执法工作还没有令美国感到满意。