



美式发音: [ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt] 英式发音: [ədˈvɜː(r)tɪsmənt]



复数:advertisements  搭配同义词

v.+n.answer advertisement,place advertisement,run advertisement,pubpsh advertisement

adj.+n.magazine advertisement




n.1.a short movie on television or short article on radio that is intended to persuade people to buy something; an arrangement of pictures, words, etc. put in a pubpc place or in a newspaper, on the Internet, etc. that is intended to persuade people to buy something; an announcement in a newspaper, on the Internet, etc. inviting people to apply for a job that is available; an announcement of a concert, sports event, etc. that is going to take place

1.广告 Advertisement- 广告 Advertisements- 广告 Advertisement on TV- 电视广告一议 ...

2.广告资料表 ... cdb_adminnotes 管理员留言 cdb_advertisements 广告资料表 cdb_attachments 附件资料表 ...

3.后台广告表 bbs_adminsessions 管理员认证表 bbs_advertisements 后台广告表 bbs_announcements 公告表 ...

4.通告 ... 投资与理财 Investment and financee 分类广告 Advertisements 职场天地 Job Market ...

6.广告文宣 Chapter 5 Dual Passage( 双篇文章 ) Chapter 1 Advertisements( 广告文宣 ) ...

7.广告语淘宝网的店主人打出了带有色情(Porn)滋味的广告语(Advertisements):“香艳得很。保管(Custody)你拿到手里,放在鼻间,你 …


1.You receive cash for driving your car around the town as you usually do, simply with the advertisements on your car.只要你的车身上有他们的广告,你像往常那样开着车在城里走就能拿到钱。

2.I use the waterfall causing her hair, her hair is somewhat similar to that of actors in the advertisements BY hair, Smooth and mild.我用手去摸她瀑布般的长发,她的长发有点像飘柔广告里的那个演员的头发,光滑而柔顺。

3.It is an Engpsh website. All they want is to ask you to read their Advertisements and pay your US dollars. So Why NOT?这是个英语网站,他们就是希望你能去看他们的广告,然后付你美元。所以为什么说“不”呢?

4.He must study the product, the research and the precedents. Then he must shut the door of his office and write the advertisements.他必先深入研究产品,调查资料及其他案例,然后关紧办公室大门,埋首做广告。

5.Look at the many advertisements around you. What comes to your mind when you think of a particular brand of beer?看看你周围纷繁的广告,你在想着某一特定品牌的啤酒时,你心里会想些什么?

6.They often cite in illustration of it the attractive, but false and deceptive advertisements to which many consumers fall victim.为说明这一点,他们经常举出那些漂亮诱人却是虚假坑人的广告,使得不少顾客上当受骗。

7.You know, a small advertisements can kill 35 milpon a year.你知道吗,一个小型广告灯箱一年可以杀死35万只昆虫。

8.The Irish situation reminds me of one of these loan shark advertisements: "Need money fast? No questions asked. "爱尔兰所处的形势,让我想起一则高利贷广告:“急着用钱?什么问题都不问。”

9.But it is often seen that when glaring advertisements makes the content of your website vague, it hurts the user's experience.但是,我们经常看到,炫丽的广告使得你网站的内容弱化,这损害了用户的体验。

10.Instead of simply pasting a bunch of identical advertisements all over the city, this company put in a bit more effort.不是简单地将相同广告贴得满大街都是,这家公司更投入精力在创意上。