


美式发音: 英式发音: [pret]





1.普利特 有限公司 普利特(PRET)牌 汽车用 塑料 复合材料 点评:该 公司 汽车用 塑料 复合材料包括改性PP系列、... 华德塑料制品有 …

2.说 (sist- 站着、不倒) (pret- ) (ven- 走) ...

3.附着 ... pre 阶 pret 附着 prex 附录 ...

4.比勒陀利亚艾琳 ... 伯利恒机场( Bethlehe 比勒陀利亚艾琳( Pret 彼得斯堡( Pietersbur ...

5.亲密关系状态亲密关系状态同样是反映婚姻家庭问题的重要指标,但在亲密关系状态(PRET)分量表中,有54.92%人群的婚姻状态处于黄灯 …

6.贸易市场 ... pret 往 pret 贸易市场 prfd 得失 ...


1.Both men retain a majority stake in Pret, but Mr Beecham says a second business collaboration is unpkely.二人都保留了Pret的多数股权,但比查姆表示,在生意上二度合作是不可能了。

2."When we started Pret, I was a customer not a caterer and I guess the same is true now, " he says.“创办Pret时,我的身份是顾客,而不是快餐店主。我想现在的情况也是一样,”他说。

3.I had breakfast in a local Pret but there were plenty of places to splurge if you didn't want hotel breakfast.我在当地一家普利特吃早餐,如果你不想再酒店吃早餐的话,还有很多地方可以让你挥霍。

4.This is a bigger project than our first Pret shop, but I have people who are competent in each of the areas I need to run the business.这是比第一家Pret店更大的工程,但我有人手,他们能胜任运营酒店所涉及的各个领域。

5.His second venture is entering a more crowded market than Pret did 20 years ago.相比20年前的Pret,他的第二家企业面临更多市场竞争对手。

6.Pret-tay, pret-tay good, as Larry himself might say.正如拉里自己可能会说得那样,“非常好,非常好!”

7.Each guest will find a free Pret breakfast hanging on a hook outside their room in the morning.每个客人早上会发现,房门外的钩子上挂着免费的Pret早餐。

8.He is doing Itsu and I am trying this, but we are still very involved in Pret.他在经营Itsu,而我在尝试这家酒店,但我们仍在积极参与Pret的事务。

9.Buy fresher and cheaper sandwiches and drinks at air-side outlets such as Pret a Manger or Boots.在机场旁边的店里比如PretaManger或者Boots买更新鲜更便宜的三明治和饮料吧。

10.Although Pret has become an international operation with outlets in New York and Hong Kong as well as the UK, it began as a small shop.尽管Pret已成为一家在英国、纽约以及香港都拥有门店的国际性企业,它是从一家小小的店铺起步的。而霍克顿开业时,规模要比它大多了。