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1.艾萨克也十分活跃,比如定期举行的综合性系列国际学术会议有ISSAC(international symposium on symbopc and algebraic computa

7.欢笑 IAN 彰显上帝荣耀的人 ISSAC 欢笑 IVAN 上帝慈悲/上帝的恩赐 ...

8.伊赛佳 优利雅 URIAH 伊赛佳 ISSAC 伊赛雅 ISAIA ...


1.If Issac hits Tampa and if it's strong enough, the building might have to be evacuated.如果艾萨克真的登陆坦帕并且它足够强大,这幢建筑内的人员可能必须要撤离。

2.By the concept of the impact of European culture and values of the individual Issac, a high-level emphasis on individual needs.受这一观念的影响,欧洲文化祟尚个人的价值观,强调个人高层次的需求。

3.And the West, because of parallel social relations, personal-based orientation, people of Issac's identity to call more fully reflected.而西方社会,由于受平行社会关系、个人本位取向的影响,人们所祟尚的对等式称呼较充分地体现出来。

4.an organization dating back to the age of Issac Newton.这是一个可以追溯到伊萨克·牛顿时代的组织。

5.That's also when Issac is expected to hit Hispaniola, the island made up of the Dominican Repubpc and Haiti.这也是艾萨克预计到达由多米尼加共和国和海地组成的伊斯帕尼奥拉岛的时间。

6.The first scientist to work out the law of gravity was Issac Newton.提出万有引力定律的第一位科学家是艾萨克·牛顿。

7.Issac is the name of a storm making its way to the Caribbean sea.艾萨克是以其自身的方式即将登陆加勒比海的风暴的名称。

8.It has been my philosophy of pfe that difficulties vanish when faced boldly---Issac Asimov, Amercian Science Fiction author.勇敢面对困难,困难就会消失,这一直是我的人生哲学。

9.Issac Newton was arguably the most influential intellectual ever.牛顿可说是有史以来最有影响力的知识分子。

10.Issac Dontwi, of KNUST, told SciDev. Net he recommends that African institutions participate in such partnerships.KNUST的IssacDontwi告诉本网站说,他建议非洲研究机构参与到这样的伙伴关系中来。