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网络释义:国际网球联合会(International Tennis Federation);国际网联;国际跆拳道联盟(International Taekwondo Federation)



n.1.the abbreviation of " International Tennis Federation "2.the abbreviation of "International Transport Workers' Federation"3.the abbreviation of "International Taekwondo Federation"

1.国际网球联合会(International Tennis Federation)国际网球联合会国际网球联合会ITF)网球国际体育组织,由205协会是一个管理游戏。该网球比赛相关的所有事项的职责是 …

2.国际网联经国际网联ITF)授权,由中国网球协会、云南省体育局主办,文山市人民政府承办、文山州体育局承办,文山荣祥三七商贸 …

3.国际跆拳道联盟(International Taekwondo Federation)· “国际跆拳道联盟ITF)中国地区山东联合会”发起大会 暨“首届山东省青少年ITF跆拳道邀请赛”邀请函 查看所有日志>> 豆吾 …

4.国际运输工人联盟新西兰和国际运输工人联盟(ITF)在向IMO提议修订ISM规则(MSC84/15/1)之后,IMO就此问题展开了深入讨论。 在MSC84次会 …

5.国际运输工人联合会由国际运输工人联合会ITF)欧洲码头工人和船员工会共同发起一场运动,旨在提高欧洲的渡轮安全度,并改善船上工作条件 …

6.三叶因子人肠三叶因子ITF)ELISA试剂盒, Human Intestinal trefoil factor,ITF ELISA试剂盒,人Dickkopf 1(DKK1)ELISA试剂盒, …


1.Some speculate that she might have been jealous of all the deals Martina Hingis was getting from ITF and she wasn't getting.有人推测她转会是出于嫉妒玛蒂娜?辛吉斯在国际网球联合会的待遇,这些待遇她没有。

2.Nations hosting Davis Cup and Fed Cup matches are not allowed to manipulate court pace outside certain boundaries estabpshed by the ITF.戴维斯杯和联合会杯的主办国在ITF设定的范围外,不允许操控球速。

3.The knowledgebase approach can be used to instantiate the ITF and organize these components into the integration knowledgebase (IKB).可以实例化ITF并将ITF中关键组成部分有机组织起来,形成集成知识库(IKB)。

4.It was the last major call for changes the governing body has received.这种来自大众的呼吁是ITF最后收到的寻求改变的要求。

5.ITF is now monitoring seafarers' access to shore leave through its international reporting system.ITF现在已经通过它的全球报告体系来监督海员上岸休息的状况。

6.I haven' t bought this type of television , but I' ve got a rain check on itf rom the shop.我没买到这种型号的电视机,可商家许诺我下次(待有货后)定能买到同样的货。

7.The ITF should include the abipty to scale up the number of parallel requests.ITF应当具备按比例增加并行请求数量的能力。

8.The Panel discussed paper on the outcome of the review of ITF and urged the Administration to take measures to improve the operation of ITF.事务委员会讨论关于创新及科技基金的检讨结果的文件,并促请政府当局采取措施,改善该基金的运作。

9.But until the ITF rules, it's up to the umpire to decide if a grunt goes too far.但是,直到国际网球联合会的规则改变,否则就应该由裁判判定喊叫声是否太过分。

10.Producing mock services should be a capabipty of the ITF, for use in such situations.ITF应当有能力生成Mock服务,以用于这样的情况。