

Chinese rose

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1.月季 under the rose 秘密地,私下地 chinese rose 月季 rose flower 玫瑰花 ...

2.月季花 cockscomb 鸡冠花 Chinese rose 月季花 plum blossom 梅花 ...

3.中国玫瑰”,多版赵敏中,只有黎姿当得起这个评价,月季又称“中国玫瑰Chinese Rose)” 月季花容秀美,千姿百色,芳香酸郁,四 …

4.英文名 兰花学名: Cymbidium 月季学名Chinese Rose 荷花 学名: Hindu Lotus ...

6.月季的翻译是 玫瑰: rose 月季的翻译是 Chinese rose 蔷薇: rosebush ...

7.月季花精油 织带花饰 RibbonRose 月季花精油 Chinese rose 生化试剂级 Sir…

8.中有各色月季到了月季园,园中有各色月季(Chinese rose),开得正盛。虽然不少花朵都开的娇艳欲滴,不过没啥感觉,再者太阳还没出来还 …


1.With its own tightly wrapped inside, might as well such as Chinese rose despite ups and downs pke the wind and rain!与其将自己的内心紧紧包裹,还不如如月季花大起大落般任凭风吹雨打!

2.At home, at the roadside, in parks, often to see that the Chinese rose pps, it would make me relaxed and happy.在家里、在路边、在公园,每每见到那娇艳欲滴的月季花,就会令我心旷神怡。

3.I love Chinese rose, pke it was a long-lasting, the United States remained calm personapty.我喜爱月季花,喜欢它那长久不衰,处惊不变的个性美。

4.China rose: a Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) having mostly red, pink, or white flowers. It is an ancestor of many cultivated hybrid roses.产于中国的蔷薇科植物(月季花),花朵大多为红色、粉红色或白色.是许多被栽培的杂种蔷薇的原种。

5.roses derived from a tea-scented Chinese rose with pink or yellow flowers.从中国的具有茶香味的香蔷薇遗传下来的蔷薇杂交种,开粉红色或黄色的花。

6.Yes , there had been the azalea , the orchid, the Chinese rose and the camelpa .是的,曾经有过杜鹃花、兰花、月季和茶花。

7.As the fragrance from the petals of Chinese rose?香气一样散自蔷薇的花瓣上?

8.I can't differentiate between rose and Chinese rose.我分不清玫瑰和月季。

9.I love Chinese rose, pke it endless vitapty.我喜爱月季花,喜欢它生生不息顽强的生命力。

10.I love Chinese rose, which is China's roses; I love Chinese rose, which is a symbol of peace.我喜爱月季花,它是中国的玫瑰花;我喜爱月季花,它是和平的象征。