




1.假如让你吻下去 ... Girl's heart( 少女的心) If you kiss( 假如让你吻下去) I'm not far away and so in love( 恋爱在不远处等我) ...


1.A boy was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess. "有一天一个男孩过马路,这时有只青蛙朝他叫唤,对他说:“如果你亲我一下,我就会变成美丽的公主。”

2.The frog spoke up again and said, 'If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will stay with you for one week. '青蛙又说话了,假如你亲我一下,把我变回美丽的公主的话,我可以跟你在一起呆一个星期。

3.The frog then cried out, 'If you kiss me and turn me back into a Princess, I'll stay with you for one week and do ANYTHING you want. '青蛙大叫起来,假如你亲我一下,把我变回公主的话,我会跟你在一起呆一个星期,而且,你想跟我做什么都行!

4.If you kiss a woman on the pps and stick your tongue down her throat, she'll probably be disgusted.如果你吻一个女人,把你的舌头伸到她喉咙里,他大概会厌恶。

5.The rule goes pke this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It's the right thing to do.规矩是这样的:如果你亲一个人,那就应该跟她结婚并和她生小孩。这样做才是对的。

6.If you kiss a woman, your heartbeat is achieved 30, that affirmation is dinosaurian .如果你吻一个女人,你的心跳达到30,那肯定是恐龙。

7.If you kiss her once in a while, she professes you are cold .如果你偶而才吻她一下,她会到处说你这人很冷漠。

8.Maybe if you kiss up to your mother, she will let you go to the movies with me.或许你拍拍你妈妈的马屁,她就会让你跟我去看电影了。

9.If you kiss her too many times, she yells that you are taking advantage.如果你经常吻她,她又说你占她便宜。

10.Hint: If you kiss him and it feels pke your pps have been molested by a giant lemon, he ain's the one.提示:如果你吻他的时候,感觉像被柠檬酸麻了嘴唇,他就肯定不是你的真命天子。